Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 28-08-2011 03:07
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Privet uvajaemiy Yuriy !
Spasiba agromnae za interest
Kstati,naskolka ya zametil,Storm,Kerch,Hurricane imeet ochen haroshie resultatav
Jelayu vsem avtorov iz Rossii/Ukraine udachi,uspeh v SCCT VIII
S uvajeniem,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 28-08-2011 03:08
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
>В турнире SCCT-8 зарегистрировалось уже 50 авторов дебютных книг! Давно такого не было, даже и не помню, был ли такой массовый турнир.
Da...etat raz mnoga registracii,naverna sleduyshiy raz nada pameniat uslovia
Net u to stolka vremia chtobiy testiravat vseh knig
Dumayu testiravat gde ta maximum 20-30 knig
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 28-08-2011 03:14 |
Опубликовано 28-08-2011 16:14

Сообщений: 886
Зарегистрирован: 13.04.10
Rank Participant Score
01: SeekWanda H15a 62.5 / 95
02: Hitman H15a 61.0 / 95
03: 1337chess H15a 58.5 / 94
04: JapanTopOne H15a 58.5 / 95
05: TerraDeath H15a 58.5 / 95
06: Kerch H15a 56.5 / 95
07: Don H15a 56.0 / 96
08: Blade H15a 56.0 / 96
09: Storm H15a 54.5 / 94
10: Awesome H15a 54.0 / 95 |
ivanp |
Опубликовано 29-08-2011 07:02

Сообщений: 700
Зарегистрирован: 10.10.08
Что значит H15a ? |
kosmodrom |
Опубликовано 29-08-2011 08:28

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08
Houdini 1.5a |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 01-09-2011 06:15
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Dear Chess Friends !
First of all,once more i'd like say: MANY THANKS to all SCCT Book Authors
And without to not mention this i can't:
-i am so much grateful to all SCCT Book Authors,especially it makes me feel proud that you are trusting me since many years
And be sure your opening books will be not shared to Nobody
SCCT VIII Book Tournament is already over-Final Standings:
The Winner is again 'Hitman' book by Eduardo Koji (the previous SCCT VII's Winner)

A little note:Hitman is just a brilliant book,one of the strongest books that i have ever seen !!
And my congratulations to second and third places- Mark Zimba (Defender) / Marcos Matsuda (JapanTopOne)
There is no doubt that the performance of both books (Defender and JapanTopOne) are really impressive too !
Actually all TOP 20 Books have superior results !! My Congratulations to TOP 20's Book Authors too
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 01-09-2011 06:16 |
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 01-09-2011 10:11

Сообщений: 7894
Зарегистрирован: 07.10.08
Sedat Canbaz написал:
The Winner is again 'Hitman' book by Eduardo Koji (the previous SCCT VII's Winner)
And my congratulations to second and third places- Mark Zimba (Defender)
1 и 2 место заняли книги, которые играют 1.е3!
Вот бы, все так на Плейчессе играли белыми  |
kosmodrom |
Опубликовано 01-09-2011 12:17

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08
1. e3- антишахматы, ничего белые там не могут добиться по дебюту. 1.h3, 1.a3, 1.b3, 1.d4 2. Bf4- тоже антишахматы. |
AntiMaster |
Опубликовано 01-09-2011 14:17


Сообщений: 5613
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.10
Ненавижу когда "кривыми" играют линиями - хрен подготовишься! Невразумительно как-то..
Важно всегда оставаться человеком... ВАЖНО!!! ВСЕГДА!!! ОСТАВАТЬСЯ!!!! ЧЕЛОВЕК М!! Всегда нужно им быть что бы ни случилось/произошло в жизни.... |
kosmodrom |
Опубликовано 01-09-2011 18:54

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08
1.d4 2. Bf4- Коля изобрёл. Там при правильном порядке ходов должна получиться позиция из ферзевого гамбита с ходов Bf4, который белым ничего не даёт, чаще играют Bg5 белые в ферзевом гамбите. А уж схема развития: c3, e3 тем более не может сулить белым перевес, не говоря уже о ходе Nc3 при пешке на c2! Это просто игра на тупость компьютера, на глубину вариантов. Мне такие варианты неинтересны, гораздо интереснее в Найдорфе чего-нибудь найти. |
kosmodrom |
Опубликовано 01-09-2011 23:20

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Jelayu vsem avtorov iz Rossii/Ukraine udachi,uspeh v SCCT VIII
S uvajeniem,
Sedat, ti budesh igrat v nashem turnire? 3-4 september. See here. |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 03-09-2011 03:19
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
kosmodrom написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Jelayu vsem avtorov iz Rossii/Ukraine udachi,uspeh v SCCT VIII
S uvajeniem,
Sedat, ti budesh igrat v nashem turnire? 3-4 september. See here.
Uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Spasiba za interest,no v etih dney ya ochen zanyat
Jealayu vsem uspeh,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 04-09-2011 19:35
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Chess Friends !
I am pleased to announce:
-due to many requests i plan to organize a new SCCT IX Book Tournament 2011:
Opening Book Registrations: October 04-09 2011
Tournament Start Date : October 10-11 2011
КодSCCT IX 2011's Registrations will be allowed only for:
Opening Book Book Author Country
1337chess Michael Wagner USA
AlvinsAngels Mark Sabu USA
Amazing Bobby Casey USA
AMos 4EvEr Marco Zerbinati Italy
AracMonT Aracelis Montilla Venezuela
Attacker Adriean Costinescu Romania
Awesome Roger E. Zibell USA
Babban ki Kitab Babban Singh India
Blade Jitan Stribal Japan
Blitz Tsvetan Milchev Bulgaria
Bolero Sami Mbreti Switzerland
Bullseye Clemens Keck Germany
CompMaster Servet Kultur Turkey
Crawly Ruben Comes Argentina
Dark Angel Josias Mauricio Brasil
Don Vasid Chouhan India
FX Marcos Alexandre Brasil
Guardian Angel Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
Hitman Eduardo Koji Japan
Hurricane Nikolay Bartenev Russia
Iconoclast Nelson Hernandez USA
JapanTopTeam Marcos K. Matsuda Japan
Jeandis Jean Disquin Venezuela
Jihad Atia Abdelkader France
Kerch Oleg Seryakov Ukraine
Knife Siddharth Bakshi India
KrakenGT Frank Karl Werner Sweden
Magister Sigmund Stef Germany
Muntaqim Amir Zebedi UAE
Mybook Yuriy Gudzatoviy Russia
Neapus Alexander Neapus Russia
No Fear Chris Cheek USA
Om Best Om Prakash India
Prodigy Maurice Chac Indonesia
Punch Varun Gupta India
Quantum Gabriel Nathans USA
RiojaJovenyFresco Jose M. Velasco Spain
Rompecoco Girolamo Randazzo Venezuela
Sambuca Kenny Esteves Venezuela
Salvo Salvo Spitaleri Italy
Sicilian Finale Munish Gupta India
Steroids Alvin Alcala Philippines
Storm Nikita Guskov Russia
S.W.Y.D Tiago Alves Brasil
TerraDeath Randy Sands USA
The War R.Bhattacharjee Cyprus
The Winner Meister W. Germany
Seek-Wanda Eros Riccio Italy
Uptown BrandonSi USA
Yograj Sunny India
*Top 50 Books,based on previous SCCT Book Tournaments
Some Notes:
-It's planning to be tested aprox.TOP 25-30 Opening Books
-If the number of the registrations is more than 25-30 books:
a)There will be exception only for well-known TOP Book Authors or for some Top PlayChess Players
b)Who are bellow than SCCT's 30 places or for new Incomers:
-Unfortunately...i don't want to promise,it will depend on my free time
More Details:
*Why i am considering to change the conditions for the next SCCT IX Book Tournament:
-It's very hard to organize a huge book tour,especially,if the total number is more than 40-50 books
A little note:Only for current SCCT VIII Book Tour,i have spent many hand efforts (more than 20 days)
More Information Coming Soon !
Thanks for your understanding...
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 04-09-2011 19:36 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 07-09-2011 21:24
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
New Update:
I have a new project for the future (after SCCT IX) i am planning to change the current conditions
So i think for the next SCCT X Book Tournament to create a SuperLeague,it will be based on SCCT IX's Top Strongest 20 Books
In other words,the registrations will be not open for all,i plan to select only the TOP 20 Ranks of SCCT IX Standings
-Currently i am looking for Assistant Tester,who will run a Second League,
where i can include the Second League's TOP Strongest 3 Books for the next SCCT X SuperLeague
Note:the Assistant Tester should be NON-SCCT Book Author (due to not loosing the neutrality/independence)
More SCCT IX Registrations,which will be allowed also for:
Opening Book Book Author Country
Atlantis Oleg Uskov Ukraine
Istanbul Mustafa Gül Turkey
King Aleksander Bilinski Ukraine
Sequoia Nick Carlin England
TopTier Audy Arandela USA
ZeeMan Sergei Krets Russia
BTW,actually i can make exception for some TOP Playchess/Flyordie/RPC/Testo Players
But for clarification about their books performance i need data (games) !
Best Wishes,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 08-09-2011 11:38
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
*Attention (after SCCT IX):
-Guido.M (the Tournament Director of Testo-Book Tours) is planning to be the Assistant Tester for Second League
-Guido.M (Testo-Book Tours) will run a Second League,it will be based on 20 Opening Books
-Only the TOP Strongest 3 Books of Second League's will qualify for the next SCCT X Super League
-SCCT Super League's last places:18,19,20 ranks will be replaced to Second League
Note:in case of more than 20 registrations for Second League,then we need to find another Tester,who will run Third League
Best Regards,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 08-09-2011 19:00
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
There were some questions about the next SCCT/Testo Leagues,so i decided to post here too
First of all,there will be a new SCCT IX Book Tournament (expected registrations approx.30-40 books)
And after that tour (when the SCCT IX book competition is over),its planning to be created 2 Leagues:
1.SCCT I Super League (Tournament Manager:Sedat Canbaz)=it will be based on SCCT IX's Top Strongest 20 Books
*That means,the Authors of SCCT IX's Strogest Top 20 Books will qualify to play in SCCT X Super League
*In other words,the Authors of between 1-20 Places should make their registrations to me (Sedat Canbaz)
2.Testo I Second League (Tournament Manager:Guido.M)=it will be based on SCCT IX's Standings between 21-40 Places
*The Authors of between 21-40 Places should make their registrations to Testo I Second League (Guido.M)
Later...we hope to run/continue more SCCT/Testo Book Leagues
For example,SCCT II Super League will be always based on Top 20 Strongest books:
-The last places of SCCT I Super League:18,19,20 will be replaced to play in Testo Second II League
-The first 3 places of Testo I Second League:1,2,3 will qualify to play in SCCT II Super League
Some Notes about Testo Book Tournaments/Guido:
-Guido is the Tournament Manager of Testo Book Tours
-Experienced/Trusted Tester,where he organized several successful Book Tournaments
-Guido is also a Moderator in Chess2U (Ahmed) forum:
And i hope the SCCT Book Authors will agree/support our new project and will make registrations as before
Best Regards,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 08-09-2011 19:15 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 24-09-2011 05:33
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Chess Friends!
Due to 110mb's server problems,SedatChess site is moved to:
Last Updates:
• 24/09/2011:SCCT Auto232 Rating List:
*Note:i am currently designing my new website; more information coming soon.
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 30-09-2011 22:49
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Chess Friends,
Last Update:
IvanHoe 0B.09.18 x64 4c
Note:800 new games have n added
SCCT Auto232 Rating List:
SCCT Auto232's Conditions:
Download Games:
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 02-10-2011 12:50
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
More games have n added (played by IvanHoe 0B.09.18 x64 4c)
For SCCT Auto232 Rating List:
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 03-10-2011 03:56
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Dear Chess Friends !
Just i'd like to inform you that very soon SCCT IX's registrations will be opened !
For next SCCT IX's book registrations,please use the current contact form:
*Please dont use any more my previous (older) mail addresses
I don't plan to use any more my older mail addresses
For more information please visit:
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 04-10-2011 22:42 |