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Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 26-07-2012 01:17
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Friends,

Some Notes:
-Gull II beta2 x64 6c is already completed and its rank is 8th place
-Note also the new SCCT - Top 20 is already availale online too
-Currently the both (Higgs and s2) Houdini settings are under test

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:



Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 28-07-2012 17:46
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

Last Engine Updates:
Houdini 2.0s2 x64 6c
Houdini 2.0Higgs x64 6c

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:



Some Notes:
-I receive oftenly mails/interests by different users,about testing their Houdini settings in SCCT
*And due to i have no much free CPU time, SCCT has already a new rule:
-Since today (28.07.2012) serious data-minimum 1.000 games is required
*I need a such confirmation that those new settings should be least 20 Elo stronger than Houdini 2.0c default
*Note:Game results,played with ultra-fast time controls will be not accepted as serious data

Thanks for your understandings!

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 01-08-2012 20:37
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Friends,

New games have RVOTAn added,played mainly by Houdini s2 and Higgs settings

Note that currently SCCT's All Version list has two Leaders (Houdini z and t3)

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:



Next Participants:
Equinox 1.40 x64 6c
Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 03-08-2012 12:45
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

-For clarification minimum 1.000 games is needed
-The modified Houdini's Elo performance should at least 20 Elo stronger than Houdini 2.0c default
-The Houdini testings should be played at Blitz or Slow time controls (min 3min or at least 2min+2sec is required)
-The chess engines should be tested with strong openings,maximum up to 10-12 moves
*Note that this new rule is for people, who has interest to participate with Houdini settings in SCCT

One thing more,
The opponents (in your testings) should not be based only on Houdini versions
I mean you need to test your Houdini against various Top engines (e.g Critter,Stockfish,Rybka,Komodo,Ivanhoe...)
Note also that 1.000 games per player only Houdini vs Houdini can lead to misunderstanding results

And Last,
Without such serious data (games) and confirmation,SCCT will not accept/start testing any new Houdini settings...

Thanks in advance for your understanding,


Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 05-08-2012 23:14
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

Last Engine Uptates:
Houdini 2.0Bar2 x64 6c
Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:



Some Notes:
-Houdini 2.0Bar2 x64 6c are played with new settings,called 'Baracuda'
-The winning percentage of t3 and z settings are slightly lower than the rest Houdini versions
*Due to the both Top Houdini settings are played against several Houdini engines
-It seems, Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c engine will be the new participant of SCCT 'Top 20' Standings

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 09-08-2012 02:22
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce:
-Perfect 2012c/t opening books are released !

Perfect 2012c/t opening books are available for downloading:

Happy Testings,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 09-08-2012 12:53
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

A few notes more...

For more various openings,then Perfect 2012c will be a good choice

For maximum performance,then definitely i recommend: Perfect 2012t book

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 09-08-2012 15:06
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Friends,

I plan to repeat the test of Houdini 2.0t3,where this time all engines will use completely new book-Perfect 2012c
*For more details about Perfect 2012c book:

*Houdini 2.0t3 x64 6c will be tested under these conditions (exception this time engines will use different book):

Let's wait and see what will be the new performance of Houdini 2.0t3 x64 6c

And I hope... this opening test will be helpful to see the the influence of the openings

Best Regards,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 09-08-2012 15:07
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 10-08-2012 12:53
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

Unfortunately,SCCT Super League III's starting date is changed
*The reason,probably i will be on holiday (around 01-14 September)

So i plan to start the competition on:

• Opening Book Registrations:16-20 September 2012
• Tournament Start Date:21-22 September 2012

Thanks for your understanding!

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 11-08-2012 13:27
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

Last Engine Uptates:
Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c
Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c
Houdini 2.0Bar2 x64 6c
Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:



Some Notes:
-Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c is same version as Houdini 2.0t3 Pro x64 6c,just this time is played with another new book-Perfect 2012c
*Actually during the current Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c test,all its opponents used same Perfect 2012c book too
-Looking at the current early results,it seems the various openings and shorter lines did not make a BIG negative influence over its performance
*But anyway,for a better conclusion: we need more games,probably this number of games between 1000-2000 games will be enough data
-Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c is performed slightly better than default,but of course to be sure more games are required...
-I noticed also that in other testings (Non-SCCT results),there are some different standings (e.g i mean especially for Houdini settings)
-From my experience i can say that such different performance is appearing is not due to 95% confidence of error margin or we need at least 5.000 games and so on
*Sure more games is better,but i highly doubt that SCCT standings will be changed a lot,e.g i mean about after 5.000 games player

In other words,
*Of course I can be wrong...but however i have a little bit experience in Computerchess (10 years as Book Maker and 15 years as Tester)
And i strongly believe in that:
-Some SCCT Participants performed higher or lower than others,due to my used conditions are completely different than all available testings

Kind Regards,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 11-08-2012 13:29
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 12-08-2012 19:49
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Update:
-More games have RVOTAn added,played mainly by Houdini 2.0t3 and Rybka 4.1 79DT v1

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 15-08-2012 00:25
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

The current standings:

Загрузить источник  Код
Rank Name                         Elo     +    – games score oppo. draws
   1 Houdini 2.0t3 Pro x64 6c     3365   12   12  1588   70%  3210   39%
   3 Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c      3359   18   18   701   74%  3180   39%
  11 Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c     3292   17   17   753   66%  3168   37%
  15 Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c        3277   11   11  1735   60%  3205   48%

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 17-08-2012 08:25
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Standings:

Houdini 2.0t3/Rybka 4.1 79DT v1's standings after 1000 games per player:

SCCT-BayesElo's calculation notes:
offset 3300 Critter 1.6 x64 6c
mm 1 1

More Details:
-Surprisingly, Houdini 2.0t3 using a shorter book+more various openings performed identically so far
-Well done to Mindbreaker, Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c performed 15 Elo better than default version
-Next SCCT Engine,which will be tested:Stockfish VE09 x64 6c

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 18-08-2012 20:33
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

Last Updated Engine:
Stockfish VE09 x64 6c

SCCT Rating List:

Some Notes:

-StockfishVE_09pop64.exe is used for the current test
-Unfortunately so far...,Stockfish VE09 x64 6c's performance is not satisfied
*I hope after more games,Stockfish VE09 x64 6c will be ranked at higher places

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 18-08-2012 21:30
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Its interesting to note that currently SCCT has five (5) pairings with same Elo points

Загрузить источник  Код
Rank   Name                      Elo     +    – games score oppo. draws
  1 Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c      3364   15   15  1000   75%  3179   37%
  2 Houdini 2.0t3 Pro x64 6c     3364   12   12  1620   70%  3211   39%

11 Critter 1.4 x64 6c           3290   14   13  1150   67%  3166   47%
12 Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c     3290   14   14  1071   66%  3167   38%

14 Ivanhoe B46fE.02 x64 6c      3277   11   11  1819   59%  3209   52%
15 Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c        3277   11   11  1750   60%  3206   48%

26 Deep Fritz 13 w32 6c         3119   11   11  1821   37%  3214   43%
27 Equinox 1.35 x64 6c          3119   12   12  1550   40%  3189   40%

30 Deep Junior 13.3 x64 6c      3082   12   12  1619   31%  3222   36%
31 Deep Fritz 12 w32 6c         3082   14   14  1150   37%  3175   42%

More notes:
-The shortest win: Houdini 2.0c x64 6c vs Fruit 090705 x64 6c (1-0,game length 18 moves)
-The longest win: Critter 1.4 x64 6c vs Houdini 2.0c Pro x64 6c (0-1,game length 266 moves)
-The longest draw: Chiron 1.1a x64 6c vs Houdini 1.5a x64 6c (game length 300 moves)

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 20-08-2012 13:58
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Friends,

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:

Some Notes:
-New games have RVOTAn played mainly by Stockfish VE09 x64 6c
-Houdini 2.0t3* Pro x64 6c = played with Perfect 2012c book
-The next engine,which is planning to be tested is Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c NON-SSE
*Let's see what will be the influence/strength difference between both Rybka default versions (SSE and Non-SSE)
-After Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c NON-SSE test,the current SCCT Rating List's activity will be paused
*The current engine competition is expecting to be resumed after SCCT Super Book League III

Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 22-08-2012 03:01
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Friends,

Last Updated Engine:
Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

Some Notes:

-Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c = Deep Rybka 4.1 is played as default (the version,which does not support SSE4.2)
-So far, Rybka's performance is quite good,let's see what will be the standings after 1000 games per player

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 23-08-2012 04:12
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Update:
Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c's performance after 618 games:

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 24-08-2012 14:56
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Friends,

After 1000 games:
Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c performed just one (1) Elo less than Deep Rybka 4.1 SSE4.2 x64 6c

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 26-08-2012 12:08
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c's test is resumed...
And 239 games will be played more
In the end,Rybka NO-SSE version will have 1500 games per player

*The current Elo difference:4

Загрузить источник  Код
Rank Name                       Elo     +    – games score oppo. draws
14 Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 6c       3275   11   11  1781   60%  3206   48%
18 Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c      3271   13   13  1261   61%  3193   49%

SCCT (3m+2s) Rating List-All Versions:

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