Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 26-08-2012 14:16
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Friends,
Here is the SCCT Rating List's calculation by EloStat 1.3 (Critter 1.6 x64 6c is fixed to 3300 Elo)
It's interesting to note that some of the current standings are completely different than BayesElo
Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
01 Houdini 2.0t3* Pro x64 6c : 3365 18 18 1000 74.6 % 3178 37.2 %
02 Houdini 2.0t3 Pro x64 6c : 3360 13 13 1700 70.1 % 3212 39.1 %
03 Houdini 2.0s2 Pro x64 6c : 3355 18 18 1000 74.2 % 3172 34.4 %
04 Houdini 2.0z Pro x64 6c : 3352 14 14 1574 71.1 % 3195 36.1 %
05 Houdini 2.0Bar2 x64 6c : 3352 16 16 1030 72.8 % 3181 43.6 %
06 Houdini 2.0Higgs Pro x64 6c : 3343 17 16 1030 70.7 % 3190 41.4 %
07 Houdini 1.5a x64 6c : 3340 16 16 1100 67.5 % 3213 41.0 %
08 Houdini 2.0c Pro x64 6c : 3339 14 14 1473 70.8 % 3185 39.3 %
09 Houdini2Bar1 Pro x64 6c : 3330 15 15 1100 68.6 % 3194 46.2 %
10 Critter 1.6 x64 6c : 3300 11 11 1900 62.6 % 3210 53.2 %
11 Critter 1.4 x64 6c : 3288 15 14 1173 66.7 % 3167 47.1 %
12 Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c : 3284 16 16 1100 66.0 % 3169 38.3 %
13 Stockfish 120430P x64 6c : 3281 11 11 1850 60.1 % 3209 50.1 %
14 Stockfish 2.2.2 JA x64 6c : 3274 14 14 1200 62.5 % 3185 46.8 %
15 Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 6c : 3274 12 12 1781 59.5 % 3207 48.3 %
16 Ivanhoe B46fE.02 x64 6c : 3272 11 11 1900 58.7 % 3211 52.6 %
17 Ivanhoe B46fC x64 6c : 3270 14 14 1230 63.2 % 3176 48.0 %
18 Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c : 3270 14 14 1261 60.8 % 3194 48.9 %
19 Stockfish VE09 x64 6c : 3266 16 15 1000 63.4 % 3171 48.0 %
20 Fire 2.2 xTreme x64 6c : 3257 11 11 1900 56.6 % 3211 51.8 %
21 Vitruvius 1.11C x64 6c : 3257 11 11 1900 56.5 % 3211 50.8 %
22 Gull II beta2 x64 6c : 3209 13 13 1400 50.5 % 3206 50.9 %
23 Strelka 5.5 x64 1c : 3189 12 12 1650 44.8 % 3225 48.0 %
24 Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c : 3177 14 14 1250 46.4 % 3202 47.0 %
25 Naum 4.2 x64 6c : 3169 12 12 1900 43.6 % 3214 44.0 %
26 Komodo 4.0 x64 1c : 3150 12 12 1900 40.8 % 3214 41.8 %
27 Equinox 1.35 x64 6c : 3119 13 14 1550 40.3 % 3187 40.0 %
28 Deep Fritz 13 w32 6c : 3118 12 12 1900 36.4 % 3215 43.5 %
29 Spike 1.4 Leiden w32 6c : 3100 12 13 1900 33.9 % 3215 38.3 %
30 Chiron 1.1a x64 6c : 3098 12 12 1900 33.7 % 3216 38.7 %
31 Deep Junior 13.3 x64 6c : 3082 14 14 1700 30.7 % 3223 35.6 %
32 Deep Fritz 12 w32 6c : 3081 15 15 1173 36.6 % 3176 41.9 %
33 Protector 1.4.0 x64 6c : 3075 13 13 1900 30.8 % 3216 36.5 %
34 Deep Junior 13 x64 6c : 3074 15 15 1300 35.0 % 3182 36.4 %
35 Spark 1.0 x64 6c : 3073 13 13 1850 30.9 % 3213 39.0 %
36 Deep Shredder 12 x64 6c : 3070 13 13 1900 30.1 % 3216 36.5 %
37 Hiarcs 13.2 w32 6c : 3057 13 13 1900 28.6 % 3217 32.3 %
38 Zappa Mexico II x64 6c : 3042 14 15 1573 28.8 % 3199 34.0 %
39 Fruit 090705 x64 6c : 2970 18 18 1174 22.9 % 3181 28.9 %
For more information about General and Individual statistics:
Kind Regards,
Sedat |
kosmodrom |
Опубликовано 27-08-2012 07:41

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08
Спасибо, уважаемый Седат, за твою многолетнюю работу!
Изменил(а) Zunkor, 27-08-2012 12:03 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 27-08-2012 16:39
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
kosmodrom написал:
Спасибо, уважаемый Седат, за твою многолетнюю работу!
Ne za chto uvajaemiy Yuriy  |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 27-08-2012 16:40
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE Test is over:
КодRank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws
14 Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 6c 3276 13 13 1800 59% 3212 49%
18 Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c 3275 14 14 1500 60% 3204 49%
Some Notes:
Even after 1500 games per player,
Rybka 4.1 No-SSE version performed with same Elo difference as before:just one (1) Elo less than Rybka 4.1 SS4.2
*Note also that Rybka NO-SSE version (at 1000 games per player) was scored with same Elo difference
This test (playing 500 games more) was useful also about SCCT's Elo bar error margins
As we see.... mostly of the participants Elo difference (Error bar margins) dont change a lot...
That Elo difference is going mainly around minus plus approx.3-5 Elo points and rarely 5-10 Elo points
*Note:i mean for Elo error margins especially for after 1000 games per player
For more details:
SCCT Rating List - All Versions:
Best Regards,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 27-08-2012 16:44 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 27-08-2012 23:52
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Dear Friends,
Deep Hiarcs 14 WCSC w32 6c test is already started...
The current performance of latest Hiarcs 14:
42.5 / 88 games played out (48.30 %)
Right now,Hiarcs 14 is playing against Top 20 participants:
And very soon more results are coming !
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 28-08-2012 10:45
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
The current results of Deep Hiarcs 14:
106.5 / 226 games played out (47.16 %)
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 29-08-2012 03:08
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
New update
Deep Hiarcs 14's performance after 414 games:
Some Notes:
-Congrats to Mark Uniacke,Hiarcs 14's current performance is approx. 100 Elo points better than previous Hiarcs version
-Since 29.08.2012,Ordo 0.5.1 calculation program (by Miguel Ballicora) will be used mainly for SCCT engine competitions
Best Regards,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 29-08-2012 12:52
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Dear Chess Experts,
I wonder a lot about:
-Why Deep Shredder 12's performance suffer in SCCT competitions ?
-Is there is something wrong in my used test engine conditions ?
*Or maybe,the reasons are my used hardwares or my opening books or ... ?!
*Or DS12's low performance can be due to Elo error bar margins ?
Or Who Knows ?!
Perhaps SCCT does not serve reliable data and i need to:
- switch to 1 core engine testings ?
Some notes about DS12's conditions in SCCT:
-Played with Opening Advise OFF
-Played mainly under Fritz GUIs
-Used Perfect 2012 book series
-Played with 6 cores on my i7 6-core machines
*For full details about SCCT conditions:
*Its interesting to note also,
In some other test conditions (NON-SCCT),DS12 engine performs much better than SCCT !
For example,here are available some Elo comparisons between Deep Shredder 12 and Zappa Mexico II
*Note also that Spike 1.4 Leiden,Spark 1.0,Deep Junior 13.3... performed better than DS12 (in SCCT)
Where exactly these engines are rated lower than DS12 in some other testings (Non-SCCT results)
SCCT 3m+2s = Elo difference: 30,6
37 Deep Shredder 12 x64 6c 3041.7
39 Zappa Mexico II x64 6c 3011.1
Clemens 5m+3s = Elo difference: 47
22 Deep Shredder 12 UCI x1 2800
30 Zappa Mexico II x1 2753
IPON 5m+3s = Elo difference: 97
9 Deep Shredder 12 2800
19 Zappa Mexico II 2703
CEGT 40/4 = Elo difference: 61
12 Deep Shredder 12 x64 4CPU 2894
19 Zappa Mexico II x64 4CPU 2833
CEGT 40/20 PB ON = Elo difference: 56
10 Deep Shredder 12 x64 2800
19 Zappa Mexico II x64 2744
CCRL 40/40 = Elo difference: 58
13 Deep Shredder 12 64-bit OA On 4CPU 3136
16 Zappa Mexico II 64-bit 4CPU 3078
CCRL 40/4 = Elo difference: 91
10 Deep Shredder 12 64-bit OA On 4CPU 3093
17 Zappa Mexico II 64-bit 4CPU 3002
SWCR 40/10 = Elo difference: 74
60 Shredder 12 w32 2800
21 87 Zappa Mexico II x64 2726
SSDF 40/120 = Elo difference: 57
5 Deep Shredder 12 x64 2GB Q6600 2,4 GHz 3115
13 Zappa Mexico II x64 2GB Q6600 2,4 GHz 3058
For More Details:
Thanks in advance,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 29-08-2012 22:17
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
New results
After playing 244 games more, Hiarcs is managed to increase +1.3 Elo points:
27 Deep Hiarcs 14 WCSC w32 6c : 3129.8 294.5 658 44.8%
27 Deep Hiarcs 14 WCSC w32 6c : 3128.5 184.5 414 44.6%
For SCCT (3m+2s) Full Standings - All Versions:
*Note:the current online database includes all games (total:30408 games, up to 20:56 29.08.2012)
The previous database is still available (29250 games,where Fruit 090705 is played 1150 games per player):
Best Regards,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 31-08-2012 16:00
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Friends,
Last Updated Engine:
Deep Hiarcs 14 WCSC w32 6c
Well-Done to Hiarcs team:
-Awesome improvement by Deep Hiarcs 14: 106,2 Elo points
26 Deep Hiarcs 14 WCSC w32 6c : 3132.7 457.5 1000 45.8%
38 Hiarcs 13.2 w32 6c : 3026.5 543.0 1900 28.6%
SCCT Rating List - All Versions:
SCCT Rating List - Top 20:
-SCCT's activity is already paused and it will be resumed after 15 days
Best Regards,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 01-09-2012 21:13
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
A few calculations more...
For more reliable data,this time i preferred to use Hiarcs 13.2 chess engine
And as we see...again DS12 6 cores has the lowest performance in SCCT (as before)
It seems, (especially on AMD platforms) DS12 on single core testings is performing much better
SCCT 3m+2s = Elo difference: 13.1
37 Deep Shredder 12 x64 6c 3039.6
38 Hiarcs 13.2 w32 6c 3026.5
Clemens 5m+3s = Elo difference: 24
23 Deep Shredder 12 x64 x1 2796
26 HIARCS 13.2 MP T1 2772
IPON 5m+3s = Elo difference: 52
32 Deep Shredder 12 2800
50 HIARCS 13.2 MP 32b 2748
CCRL 40/4 = Elo difference: 31
Deep Shredder 12 64-bit OA On 1CPU 2977
Hiarcs 13.2 1CPU 2946
CCRL 40/40 = Elo difference: 38
Deep Shredder 12 64-bit OA On 4CPU 3061
Hiarcs 13.2 4CPU 3023
CEGT 40/4= Elo difference: 26
Deep Shredder 12 x64 1CPU 2800
Hiarcs 13.2 1CPU 2774
CEGT 40/20 = Elo difference: 19
Deep Shredder 12 x64 4CPU 2873
Hiarcs 13.2 MP 4CPU 2854
CEGT 40/20 PB ON = Elo difference: 44
Deep Shredder 12 x64 2800
Hiarcs 13.2 2756
SWCR 40/10 = Elo difference: 39
Shredder 12 w32 2800
Hiarcs 13.2 w32 2761
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 06-09-2012 23:00
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Dear Friends,
I am back again after a short break (i was 3 days om holiday)
Normally i planned to be at least 7-10 days on vacation,but...
Btw,I've started a new hardware/time control speed measuring
So the current played results are available under below link:
Some Notes:
-For better conclusion,we need more games...
But however,
I should admit that i am very much surprised by the current played results
Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c 3m+2s's performance is just superior so far...
As we see, even after 29 games,Rybka 4.1 x64 6c 3m+2s has no any single defeat
To be honest,
I expected almost same equal playing strength between 3m+2s 6c vs 25m+2s 1c
*Probably, 40/120 1c is required over 3m+2s 6c
It seems:
1)Rybka MP scaling is very good and definitely i can say for chess:
- 'The more cores, the better'
2)This short test indicates that SCCT 3m+2s 6c played games are not too bad in quality
One thing more,
I think this saying suits for the current issue:
There is always strength in numbers.
For more details about why i started mainly this test,please read:
More results coming soon !
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 06-09-2012 23:02 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 08-09-2012 13:00
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
SCCT hardware/time control test is already over!
A few notes more about the current issue:
This test was useful especially for me
I've got the needed information (data) ...
And once more i'd like to point out that:
-I am very glad with the current used SCCT conditions:
Its interesting to note also that:
-Komodo 4 x64 1 core with slower time control performs better than blitz
-It seems,single core testings require slow time controls for better and quality games

For More Details:
Best Wishes,
AntiMaster |
Опубликовано 09-09-2012 23:03


Сообщений: 5613
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.10
А сАмые сильные настройки какие? |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 10-09-2012 02:03
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
AntiMaster написал:
А сАмые сильные настройки какие?
Naschet chevo samie silnaie nastroiki ?
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 10-09-2012 02:03 |
AntiMaster |
Опубликовано 10-09-2012 12:41


Сообщений: 5613
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.10
Гудини 2.0t3, так как у тебя в списке их несколько, самый высокий со "звёздочкой" и хотя бы для него какие параметры? |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 10-09-2012 23:13
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
AntiMaster написал:
Гудини 2.0t3, так как у тебя в списке их несколько, самый высокий со "звёздочкой" и хотя бы для него какие параметры?
Houdini 2.0t3* tot je samaia versia kak Houdini 2.0t3, tolka etat raz igral s novoi knige-Perfect 2012c
Houdini 2.0t3:
Houdini 2.0z:
Houdini 2.0Barakuda:
Cont set to 0
Chtobiy izmenit Houdini nastroiki,nujno ispolzavat Houdini config tool 1.6:
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 10-09-2012 23:14 |
AntiMaster |
Опубликовано 10-09-2012 23:56


Сообщений: 5613
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.10
Спасибо большое, а Гудини 3я версия не вышла? На Плайчессе Крис писАл про то, что вроде как вышла.. |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 11-09-2012 01:51
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
AntiMaster написал:
Спасибо большое, а Гудини 3я версия не вышла? На Плайчессе Крис писАл про то, что вроде как вышла..
Ne za chto...k sajaleniyu ya ne v kurse nachet Houdini 3 na Playchesse (proshlo gde ta 3 goda kak ya ne ras ne igral na Playchesse)
Naskolka ya znayu,chto v biljaishom vremia Houdini 3 poyavitsia,no ne uveren immena kagda...
Vsevo harosheva,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 11-09-2012 01:54 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 15-09-2012 15:10
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Dear Chess Friends,
SCCT Super Book League III is planning to be played
But unfortunately i can not promise:
1)LIVE Broadcasting
2)Tournament start date/duration can be continued more than expected
3)Probably SCCT Super Book League III will the last one (i don't want to promise for the next SCCT Super Book Leagues)
*The reason:
-Due to nowadays i have no much free time for chess
One thing more,
The book registration date is same:
• Opening Book Registrations:16-20 September 2012
But as i mentioned before,
I will run SCCT Super Book League III... only when i will have free time
Thanks for your understanding!
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz |