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Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 25-08-2014 16:44
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

And here are the current played results:


Download Games:

Once more I'd like to mention,
Depending on what kind of opening book, any top engine can be be performed 0-200 Elo or even more
In other words, the opening is the key in chess !!

And as wee see (even only a few hours of working over the current used book)
Rybka 3 performed in almost equal performance as Stockfish 5

And I am quite sure in that,
Rybka 3 will be performed better than Stockfish 5 (in case of more optimizing the used book lines)
For example, with more hard working...the Elo difference is expecting at least 50 Elo in favor of Rybka

Note also probably I will pause and stop working over this project,
Due to I've got the necessary data...

Hopes this helps...

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 02-09-2014 14:02
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce:
- Soon I plan to organize a new history duel: Komodo 8 vs Stockfish MZ
- The brilliant idea belongs Mr. Syed Fahad (I just improved the idea)
- We are looking for more testers who are interested to participate too

•So far the testers, who are interested to participate:
Dr. Wael Deeb - special thanks to Mr. Deeb
Sedat Canbaz

Btw, I know this new project is not so easy as it looks...

And as I mentioned before,
There is nothing impossible!

Difficulties are always way for success...
So we must overcome all difficulties and to bring the success!
My best wishes for less difficulties and to reach the great goal!!

•For more information about WSET Tournament:

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 02-09-2014 14:02
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 02-09-2014 16:54
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

A message (for people who are not sure to participate or not)
-I plan to use a such slow time control (for the current duel -2 games) to be ended in 10 -15 days

In other words,
The planning time control depends on number of the testers...
But I think (in case of no delay by the testers) the 1st game will be ended in 5 or 7 days

Note also Marco Zerbinati's Stockfish compile is planning to be private...
And Mr. Zerbinati plans to send it only for those chess friends who will participate...

I'm looking forward to see more testers in the great event !
Don't miss this history match...!!

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 02-09-2014 22:18
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

I am getting several questions regarding the current tournament

So I decided to inform you too!

The duel is planning on different hardwares by several testers...

We plan to use very slow time control...and it requires a lot of free cpu time
In other words, with several testers will be easier...our computers will be not busy each time!

In other words, the planning match will be like a 'relay race'

For example (on my hardware),
Stockfish played a move...after playing I share the postion to the next tester and then the turn side is Komodo etc...

About Stockfish compile,
MZ = a Stockfish compile created by Marco Zerbinati
Note that we are not planning to use the public Stockfish compile
As far as I know, Marco Zerbinati is a preparing a new Stockfish version for the current duel!

About adapted time controls (just an example),
10.000 kN/s = 50 minutes ( 3000 sec) per move
7.500 kN/s = 75 minutes ( 4500 sec) per move
5.000 kN/s = 100 minutes ( 6000 sec) per move
After 60 moves (depending on position) we can reduce to half per move

About opening book,
This is my area ))
As far as possible I will prefer one of the strongest engine openings
In this way... the both top participants will have equal chances to win !

About Tournament Type,
Round - Robin (2 games with reversed colors)

Btw, I will be very glad to see more testers (many professional testers deserve to be in the current history match !)

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 04-09-2014 11:42
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Latest News

Both top participants are already in our hands...!!
So very soon we plan to start the event, probably today or tomorrow...

More details about the official match:
-It is planning for the current duel: 2 games; no opening books; LP OFF
-Time control: 1200 minutes with 1 minute increment (per side)
-Both games (1200 min + 1 min) are planning to be played on my computers

Note also that we plan to run more games at slow time control too:
- 150 minutes with 30 seconds increment (per side)
- 20 games; opening set with reversed colors; LP OFF
- Mostly of the games (150 min + 30 sec) are planning on Tom Casanovas's computers

Have fun,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 04-09-2014 16:39
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


Hello Chess Friends!

I am pleased to announce: WSET is already started !

For Tournament Conditions:

Note that the current games are playing at very slow time control!
Time control: 1200 Minutes with 1 minute increment (per side)

Note also that:
- I have never organized before or seen slower time control than the current duel!!
- Just imagine.... what kind of quality can be the current played moves !

And here are the first played moves...
Next time I hope to publish with annotations

Game 1

GOOD LUCK TO BOTH PARTICIPANTS !!! Best Regards, Sedat Canbaz[/pgn]


Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 07-09-2014 21:03
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello there!

WSET's Current Leader: Komodo 8 - Congratulations to Komodo Team!

WSET (150 min + 30 sec)- Current standings after 30 games:

More updates coming soon...

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-09-2014 16:28
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


Dear Chess Friends!

WSET Champion: Stockfish X - Congratulations to Stockfish Team!

WSET (150 Min + 30 Sec) FINAL STANDINGS:

Just I'd like to mention once more,
It has RVOTAn an honor for me to organize this competition!

And special thanks to:
- Prof. Tom Casanovas (for his kind assistance...)
- Stockfish authors (Marco Costalba, Tord Romstad and Joona Kiiski)
- Komodo authors (Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman, Mark Lefler)
- Marco Zerbinati (the creator of Stockfish MZ compile)
- All chess friends (for your interest and kind comments)

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 09-09-2014 13:22
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

A new idea is born...to work over a new project...

I've decided to create a new SCCT (16 min + 2 sec) Rating List

Even I started it (since yesterday),
For example the current playing match is Komodo 8 vs Stockfish 040914

Note that,
I have several machines (dual, quad, six-core etc...)
And periodically I plan to use some of them....mainly my six-core machines

What is your opinion about my new idea?
Do you like it or maybe there is something wrong in my setup....?)
What I can do or to improve more over this project ..?

And here are my planning new conditions and rules:
- Clones, derivative engines are not planning to be tested
- All chess engines will be played with Ponder ON
- Almost all chess engines are planning to played as MP
- Large Pages OFF / Hyper-Threading OFF / Tablebases OFF
- As far as possible the strongest engines will be tested
- As far as possible the strongest openings will be used
- Time control: 16 Min + 2 Sec (adapted to i5 3210M 2.50 GHz)
- ChessBase GUI / Arena GUI / Shredder Classic GUIs will be used
- Perfect 2014t opening book will be used
- LIVE Tools will be not allowed on same tournament PC
- Running Multiple matches or several GUIs will be not allowed on same tournament PC
- Tournament Manager: Sedat Canbaz

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance...

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 11-09-2014 17:37
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

Here are the first played results!

Note that the current rating list is different than all available ratings!

The current SCCT MP leader: Stockfish ! Congratulations to Stockfish Team !

Note also we need more games (for better conclusions...and still K8 has chances to be as a leader! )
The standings will be more useful, when each player will have 1000 games per player!

SCCT (3m+2s) MP Rating List - Standings:

SCCT (3m+2s) MP Rating List - Conditions:

More updates coming soon!

Have fun,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 11-09-2014 17:38
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 13-09-2014 20:17
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New games have RVOTAn added...

Stockfish still leads:

Arasan 17.3 MP
Chiron 2 MP
Gaviota 1.0 MP
Hannibal 1.4b MP
Hiarcs 14 WCSC MP
Junior 13.3 MP
MinkoChess 1.3 MP
Protector 1.6.0 MP
Rybka 4.1 MP
Senpai 1.0 MP
Shredder 12 MP
Sjeng WC2008 MP
Spark 1.0 MP
Spike 1.4 MP
Texel 1.04 MP
Tornado 5 MP
Zappa Mexico II MP

I will be very glad, if somebody will upload Tornado 5

Thanks in advance

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 17-09-2014 15:47
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Last Updates:
Hannibal 1.4b MP
Texel 1.04 MP

SCCT MP Rating List - For Current Standings:

Note: Chiron (as before) again is leader, but on time forfeits )!
So far...the current SCCT's database includes only 5 games lost on time (based on 2300 games)
And sad that some commercial programs are more buggy than free ones !!


Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 20-09-2014 16:46
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Friends!

Last Updates:
Protector 1.6.0
Hiarcs 14 WCSC

More Details:
-Since 1-3 days, I set 4-men endgame tablebases (Nalimov, Syzygy, Gaviota, Shredderbases, Scorpio)
*Just because to make shorter the length of the moves, due to some positions take a lot of time and moves
-Stockfish 040914 is replaced to newer version: Stockfish 170914 by Ronald De Man

SCCT (3m+2s) MP Rating - Current Standings:

Btw, finely I managed to create the complete participant table!)
And many of the new logos belong to me (Stockfish, Komodo, Gull, Rybka, Hannibal, etc...)
Note also that all new logos are included in the 'Games' folder, have fun )!

Participants (estimated ranking after 1000 games per player)

Have a nice weekend,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 23-09-2014 19:14
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

I decided to open a thread about short neutral engine openings (up to 8-10-12 moves)
Due to such thread is missing...!

To be honest,
I opened this thread it's not because I wish to increase the Perfect book users...
I have thousands of users...it's ok...this is not the reason
The reason is that about why I opened this thread,
It makes me feel very sad...in case of testings with weaker openings...
Also I noticed that still many people have no clue about engine openings...
Plus I hope my current thread will make a little bit influence over the chess friends who prefer weak openings!

And now let's discuss about openings..because it's boring to discus only over origins, right ?)

So...I could not check all played openings of the available ratings...
Due to I have no much free time, plus some testings do not serve the games (e.g IPON)

And what I noticed (which I checked so far...),
Some top engines lost their games just due to using very weak opening lines...

Actually even in SCCT happens sometimes,
But not very often, because I make almost daily opening optimizations...
My main goal about Perfect 2014t book: its almost all lines to be approx. 55% Whites / 45% Blacks
I know very well that nobody work is perfect (including mine too)
But however,
The most important question: which neutral short book has more or less holes ?

So...I have some questions to those chess engine testers, who prefer oftenly weak opening lines:
-Why you prefer those weak openings, just because it is your favorite ?
-Or maybe because you have a lot of free cpu time ?
-Have you ever checked your played chess engines games?
-Did you look at the winning percentage of your used opening lines?
-Did you ever notice your opening lines to be less than 35 % winning percentage (played by your engines) ?
*Note:I mean about openings at equal engine strength based on many engine games!
*A little hint: e.g check please why Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini etc.. lost against weaker participants?!
-Did you ever make any opening move optimizations over the lines which suffer in your testings?

BTW, I can give you another example about the current issue (for those who use not so strong lines),
1)Imagine Michael Schumacher to drive a vehicle of 1990 years
2)Imagine Michael Schumacher to drive on damaged road?

Can we expect a good performance?)
Yes...a such picture will be fun...but only 'fun' no more no less...)!

Note also that we are in 2014...
And it's time for revolution for all engine testers too!

For more details:

And last (as I mentioned before)
I know very well too that working over openings is not so easy as it looks...
But difficulties are always way for success...
So we must overcome all difficulties and to bring the success!
My best wishes for less difficulties and to reach the great goal!!

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 23-09-2014 19:14
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 25-09-2014 13:21
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


Hello Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce:
- I plan to organize the next SCCT Book ChampionShip III

Opening Book Registrations: December 01-04 2014
Tournament Start Date : December 05-06 2014

Tournament Conditions:
Hardwares: i7 980X/ i7 970
Large Pages: OFF
GUI: ChessBase (Fritz)
MP Threads: Maximum (6 cores)
Book Leaning: ON
Hashtable Size: 512 MB
Time Control: 3 Minutes
Tablebases: 4-Men

•Stocksish or Komodo engine will be used (you have choice to prefer)
•Fritz (ctg) and Polyglot (bin) books only will be allowed
•For all ctg books will be used same settings: optimized 0/100
•Maximum Opening Book Size Limit: 250 MB in WinRAR size
•Recommended for book uploading: https://www.mediafire.com

•For Security Reasons:
- Recommended to be deleted the download book link (after starting the event)

More Information Coming Soon !

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 06-10-2014 18:42
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

First of all I'd like to point out,
I respect all engine testers, book authors, engine authors...!
And I am not against nobody, my main goal is for CompterChess's progress!!

Note also that,
Anybody is free and he/she can test any engine with any opening, which he/she likes...no problem!

But however, I think it's time to change our views...
In other words: it's for a new revolution in engine testing!

Because as far as I noticed, unfortunately many testers suffer...
They are wasting their valuable time with many clones, derivatives, weak openings etc..

Unfortunately, still we have no any major stable and proper rules,
Even chess engine programmers (each other) have different views about origins...

So we are engine testers,
We need to know: which chess engines are 100% original work ??
And which original chess engine should be as participants ?
Is there a such chess engine, which is based 100% on own original ideas ??

According to my chess engine experience:
- There is no such thing...correct me please if I am wrong...
Of course, there are such engines which belong to the most original ones

That's why... I can't see any other right way, exception my current used rules

And I kindly recommend to testers (who have doubt about origins) to use SCCT rules!!

So here is my recommended rule (in case of 55% similarity and above),

We need to:
- Use the sim tool by great Don Dailey
- Calculate sim test with time: 100 ms scale: 1.0
- Check the both engine Elo points
- Ask for a help by neutral engine experts views
- Test only those ones which are released before
- Test only those engines which are 100 Elo stronger

Our tournaments, especially I can say for Top 20:
-Almost all top participants will be based mainly on Rybkanians, Stockfishians etc..!
-And allowing only Naum, Ctritter, Fire etc...will be injustice over rest derivative authors

Once more I'd like to point out that,
SCCT's current rule: 55% +100 Elo is not perfect,
But probably the best tournament rule comparing with other available rating lists !!

Just an example, see below please (Heron seems to be very close to Stockfish):

sim version 3
------ Heron impossible 231113 X64 Normal mode (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0) ------
60.86 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
60.39 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 50 ms scale: 1.0)
58.27 Stockfish 140614 64 SSE4.2 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
58.06 Stockfish 1.7.1 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.88 Stockfish 1.7 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
55.85 Stockfish 1.5 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
55.30 Protector 1.7.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)

Just I'd like to add this too, in my opinion:
- 55% similarity and above, plus almost same Elo points (based on original program) is a clone or derivative engine !

So... with our new rules we will request just +100 Elo, not much...

In this way...
We will give chance to all engine programers, which are based mainly on own strong ideas!

Some engine programmers proved that (cleaning other codes, made BIG Elo improvements...)
And it's your turn...why not you ?)

Note also, my suggestion is not a DESTINY !)
It's just matter of choice...

Don't forget this too please,
ComputerChess is our hobby...so we should not take too seriously all the things)!

For more details:

And last,
I hope my current posting will be useful (especially for the new generation)!!

Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-10-2014 13:47
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


Btw, here are the sons of the Shark (Rybka) !!

Hopes helps...

sim version 3
------ Rybka 3 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0) ------
61.79 RobboLito 0.085g3 w32 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
59.18 Elektro 1.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
58.76 Fire 3.0 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
58.45 BlackMamba 2.0 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.66 Critter 1.6a 64-bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.65 Equinox 3.20 x64mp (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.00 Naum 4.6 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
56.98 Murka 3 x64 UCI (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
56.48 Houdini 4 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
55.12 Critter 0.90 64-bit SSE4 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)

54.87 Rybka 1.0 Beta (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
53.93 Fruit 090705 Test Beta (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
53.69 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
53.44 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 50 ms scale: 1.0)
53.29 Strelka 2.0 B (time: 50 ms scale: 1.0)
52.82 Komodo64 2.03 DC (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.80 Heron impossible 231113 X64 Normal mode (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.51 Stockfish 1.5 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.10 Stockfish 1.7 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.05 Senpai 1.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
51.69 Stockfish 1.7.1 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
51.21 Protector 1.7.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
51.08 Komodo 8 64-bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.50 Gull 3 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.47 Glaurung 2.2 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.46 Stockfish 140614 64 SSE4.2 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.34 Deep Shredder 12 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.04 spark-1.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
49.58 Toga II 3.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
49.09 MinkoChess 1.3 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
49.00 Crafty 23.8 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
48.85 Chiron 2 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
48.54 Fruit 2.1 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
48.54 Bobcat 3.25 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
47.54 Daydreamer 1.75 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
47.29 Octochess revision 5190 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
47.23 Bison 9.11 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.78 TwinFish 0.07 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.71 cheng4 0.36a (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.55 Rodent 1.4 (build 2) (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.33 Cyrano 0.6b17 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
45.78 Tornado 5.0 x64 SSE4 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
45.63 Chess Tiger 2007.1 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
45.59 Spike 1.4 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
44.32 Vajolet 2.48 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
44.26 Movei00_8_438 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
43.28 EXchess v7.31b x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
42.33 Igorrit 0.086v8_x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
40.65 Ktulu 8 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
40.25 Booot 5.2.0(64) (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
40.06 Zappa Mexico II (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
35.71 Deep Sjeng WC2008 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
27.40 Arasan 17.2 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 17-10-2014 18:29
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Updates:
Stockfish 151014 MP (currently running)
Crafty 24.1 MP (test is completed)

More Details:
So far really impressive performance by Stockfish 151014 MP
Author: Marco Costalba
Date: Wed Oct 15 19:36:22 2014 +0100
Timestamp: 1413398182

The latest release of Crafty is rated in the last place...
I hope to see the next Crafty release to be in higher places

Загрузить источник  Код
   # PLAYER                 : RATING    POINTS    GAMES   (%)
   1 Stockfish 151014 MP    : 3536.4     334.0     426   78.4%
   2 Stockfish 170914 MP    : 3519.5    1044.5    1415   73.8%
   3 Komodo 8 MP            : 3518.3    1098.5    1532   71.7%
   4 Houdini 4 MP           : 3498.5    1016.5    1428   71.2%
   5 Gull 3 MP              : 3435.6     909.0    1428   63.7%
   6 Rybka 4.1 MP           : 3350.0     643.5     977   65.9%
   7 Chiron 2 MP            : 3249.5     527.5     976   54.0%
   8 Protector 1.7.0 MP     : 3245.7     380.5     671   56.7%
   9 Hannibal 1.4b MP       : 3230.4     504.5     976   51.7%
  10 Protector 1.6.0 MP     : 3220.9     229.0     580   39.5%
  11 Texel 1.04 MP          : 3213.1     483.0     975   49.5%
  12 Hiarcs 14 WCSC MP      : 3200.8     468.0     975   48.0%
  13 Senpai 1.0 MP          : 3190.9     456.5     975   46.8%
  14 Junior 13.3 MP         : 3144.1     379.5     924   41.1%
  15 Spike 1.4 MP           : 3138.9     393.5     975   40.4%
  16 Spark 1.0 MP           : 3137.4     355.0     866   41.0%
  17 Shredder 12 MP         : 3132.7     367.5     926   39.7%
  18 Zappa Mexico II MP     : 3101.2     273.0     701   38.9%
  19 Gaviota 1.0 MP         : 3055.0     227.0     672   33.8%
  20 Tornado 5.0 MP         : 3024.0     203.5     672   30.3%
  21 Arasan 17.4 MP         : 3020.1     201.5     690   29.2%
  22 MinkoChess 1.3 MP      : 3013.8     196.0     672   29.2%
  23 Sjeng WC2008 MP        : 3006.3     190.5     672   28.3%
  24 EXchess 7.31b MP       : 2993.9     182.5     690   26.4%
  25 Crafty 24.1 MP         : 2982.5     172.5     680   25.4%

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 07-11-2014 12:27
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


Hello Chess Friends !

I am pleased to announce:
- Very soon I plan to organize a new duel: Komodo vs Stockfish !

Komodo vs Stockfish's ChampionShip Match is planning to be started on 8th November 2014
Note that exactly on same date as World Chess Championship: Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand
And I plan to prefer similar Rules and Regulations as Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand match:

Match System
Komodo vs Stockfish Match 2014 will consist of 12 games and if necessary, tie-break games
And so whoever reaches 6.5 points or more will be crowned as SCCT Champion of 2014!

Time Control
The official time control for the current Komodo vs Stockfish match will be:
120 minutes for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes for the next 20 moves
From the 61st move, 15 minutes + 30 seconds per move for the rest of the game

In case the results are level after the twelve games, four tie-break games will be played
The games will be played with 25 minutes for each player with an increment of 10 seconds after each move
If the match is still drawn, a match of 2 games will be played with 5 min plus 3 sec increment per move

As opening book
Both top chess engines will be played with:
Perfect 2015's openings (reversed colors), but as far as possible with the strongest lines for both sides!

More Details
Both participants are planning to be played with/on:
Intel Core i7-980X 3.30GHz / Intel Core i7 970 3.20GHz
ChessBase (Fritz) GUI; Ponder ON with maximum cores (6 cores per game)
2048 MB Hashtable size, No Endgames; Hyper-Threading OFF; 64-bit versions; TD: Sedat Canbaz

More information coming soon !

Thanks for your interest and good luck to both chess engine teams !!

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-11-2014 13:17
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello There!

Latest News
The Championship Match is started at around 9AM Antalya Time!

Bear in mind,
Very soon I plan to publish the played games as PGN

Here are the current positions on my both tournament computers

1st. game on i7 980X machine (currently running)

2nd. game on i7 970 machine (currently running too)

Have fun,
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