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Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 15-12-2014 17:44
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

The 1st registered book participant for the 2nd tour:
Alexander the Great book by Sergei Markov (Russia)
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 16-12-2014 13:09
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce:
I started testing Alexander the Great book with Komodo 8 engine !

Alexander the Great will be played against Top 5 participants
Tournament conditions: Gauntlet mode, 20 games, Total 100 games

HS-7moves plus SF5
Perfect 2015 H4

More Details:
Firstly all registered books will be played in Gauntlet mode with Komodo 8 engine
Komodo 8 engine will be used against the above Top 5 books (to see less draws)
Later... only the qualified books will be continued of participating...

In the Final:
- Only the qualified books will be played each other in Round-Robin mode
- The Authors of the qualified books will have right to prefer its favorite engine:
Houdini 4 or Komodo 8 or Stockfish 5

*Note that the qualified books means:
- The registered books should be rated better than CEGT SF5
-In other words, above than 3500 Elo

Note also that in case of Whites with e4:
- the Alexander the Great book is highly optimized to play only B90
Sad...it seems the Author of Alexander the Great missed to read my new rules )!
But however, only once I will make a compromise as 1st registered book...

But in the next...if again I will notice only same opening...sorry...
For example, with B90 at 8... h5 I have seen thousands of games )))

Thanks for your understanding and good luck to all players !)

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 16-12-2014 14:53
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Perfect 2015 + Stockfish 5 has RVOTAn tested too
Almost same performance as Perfect 2015 + Komodo 8

For Latest Standings:

Alexander the Great K8's performance so far: 13/30

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 16-12-2014 14:53
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 16-12-2014 21:29
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Alexander the Great book's test is completed:

And its performance is 3457 Elo (less than 3500 Elo)
So unfortunately it could not qualify...

Who is the next gladiator )?

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 16-12-2014 21:30
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 18-12-2014 18:52
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Participated Book Players:
Balanced-12.ctg by Michael Scheidl (Germany)
Bformless.ctg by Emmanuel Dauwe
DFritz 13.ctg by Alex Kure (Austria)
EightBall.ctg by Nick Carlin (England)
H12Book.ctg by by Mark Uniacke (England)
Junior12.ctg by GM Alon Greenfeld (Israel)

And finely we have a new Leader:
Junior12 book - My Congratulations to GM Alon Greenfeld !
Really I am impressed by Junior12 book performance...well tuned and has not many holes...!)

Note also that since 18.12.2014,
Perfect 2015 SF5 and Perfect 2015 K8 are removed from the database

And as I mentioned before,
I am not candidate to be a Champion, so only Perfect 2015 H4 will be left...

And here are the latest standings (with/without Perfect 2015 SF5/K8 book)

Загрузить источник  Код
   # PLAYER                    : RATING    POINTS   PLAYED   (%)
   1 Junior12 K8               : 3508.6      73.5     140   52.5%
   2 HS-7moves plus SF5        : 3502.5     219.0     410   53.4%
   3 CEGT SF5                  : 3500.0     217.5     410   53.0%
   4 CCRL SF5                  : 3499.0     206.5     390   52.9%
   5 Balanced-12 K8            : 3495.8      50.0     100   50.0%
   6 Perfect 2015 H4           : 3494.3     193.0     380   50.8%
   7 Baracuda 2014d SF5        : 3487.2      93.5     180   51.9%
   8 Bformless SF5             : 3484.6      48.5     100   48.5%
   9 SSDF H4                   : 3483.4     187.0     370   50.5%
  10 EightBall SF5             : 3471.3      55.5     120   46.3%
  11 PlayChess H4              : 3469.3      88.5     180   49.2%
  12 DFritz13 K8               : 3467.2      46.0     100   46.0%
  13 ICCF H4                   : 3465.7      87.5     180   48.6%
  14 Alexander the Great K8    : 3463.6      45.5     100   45.5%
  15 FCT K8                    : 3458.5      85.5     180   47.5%
  16 TCEC K8                   : 3444.1      81.5     180   45.3%
  17 H12Book K8                : 3438.2      42.0     100   42.0%
  18 WorldChampions H4         : 3436.9      79.5     180   44.2%

Загрузить источник  Код
   # PLAYER                    : RATING    POINTS   PLAYED  (%)
   1 Perfect 2015 SF5          : 3519.3     191.5     360   53.2%
   2 Perfect 2015 K8           : 3514.1     194.5     360   54.0%
   3 Junior12 K8               : 3506.4      73.5     140   52.5%
   4 CEGT SF5                  : 3500.0     262.0     500   52.4%
   5 Perfect 2015 H4           : 3499.0     254.5     500   50.9%
   6 HS-7moves plus SF5        : 3498.6     261.0     500   52.2%
   7 CCRL SF5                  : 3496.4     249.0     480   51.9%
   8 Balanced-12               : 3492.9      50.0     100   50.0%
   9 Bformless SF5             : 3484.2      48.5     100   48.5%
  10 Baracuda 2014d SF5        : 3475.1     100.5     200   50.3%
  11 SSDF H4                   : 3471.1     221.0     460   48.0%
  12 EightBall SF5             : 3470.6      55.5     120   46.3%
  13 PlayChess H4              : 3465.3      97.5     200   48.8%
  14 DFritz13 K8               : 3464.3      46.0     100   46.0%
  15 Alexander the Great K8    : 3460.7      45.5     100   45.5%
  16 FCT K8                    : 3457.1      95.0     200   47.5%
  17 ICCF H4                   : 3453.9      94.0     200   47.0%
  18 TCEC K8                   : 3444.1      91.0     200   45.5%
  19 H12Book K8                : 3435.3      42.0     100   42.0%
  20 WorldChampions H4         : 3432.6      87.5     200   43.8%

More opening books are coming soon !)

Have fun,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 21-12-2014 17:12
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Last Updates:
Aleksandr SF5 - Updated book by Sergei Markov (Currently Running)
B6C-8mvs K8 - Opening book by Clemens Keck (Currently Running)
Graham K8 - Based on openings by GBSelect2014.cgb book
My2mo K8 - Opening book by Emmanuel Dauwe (Currently Running)
PlayChessTop5 SF5 - Based/Preferred mainly on openings by Top 5 Playchess players of December/April 2014
SALC K8 - Based on SALC 10.000 low draw-rate openings

More Details:
Champions books = created by Me, but based on SCCT Book Tournaments, played mainly by Top 3 players
Note also that each SCCT Champion book includes approx. 10.000 games
For example, PlayChessTop5 includes more than 50.000 games, played only by Stockfish on Playchess server
The Registration date is still open...the tour is planning to be continued in 2015 too
The played games (per player) will be sended in request to the registered Book Authors

For Standings:
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 22-12-2014 14:16
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Last Update:
JackStrong v2 book by Pawel Sekowski (Poland)
Currently as 2nd place, great performance, well-done to Sekos !

Also very good performance by PlayChessTop5 SF5 and Aleksandr SF5 books
Both of them are currently at 5th place, very exiting...
and still it is not clear which one is qualified at Top 5 )

For Standings:

Note also this a fun tour, in such competitions everything can happen...
Some openings suffer due to they are not optimized for such testings...
Plus some of the opening books were not lucky...
That's why please don't take too seriously the results...

But however I should admit also,
Mostly of the SCCT Champions books lines seems to be really very very strong...
Also the same words is going for PlayChessTop5 book too
And I think this is not luck that they are one of the Top places !!

Day by day the current tour is growing...and started to be more exiting

And I really wonder a lot,
We will see a book, which will be stronger than Champions2010 book ?)

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 22-12-2014 14:24
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 23-12-2014 17:32
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New Update:
AntiChampions (based on previous Champions books losses, also includes some killer move lines)
BooksWarTop5 (based on engine games played by Top 5 books of BooksWar competition)
Hiarcs14X (based on engine games played by Hiarcs 14 book series)

For Standings:

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 24-12-2014 14:38
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After 142 games,
Fire 4 engine + Perfect 2015t book managed to increase its Elo points !!
Now is rated at 3443 Elo..not bad )!

For Standings:

Once more I'd like to mention,
I've noticed many strong and also weak lines in the current competition
Sad that still some people are interested in beauty than strength, why ??))
Even some of those critical weak lines are available in Perfect 2015 book too
But the most important question: in which book there are more or less weak lines ?)
However, I will do my best before final release...

And be sure of this,
I am spending many efforts and I am working very hard just for chess friends !

My main goal simply is that,
The chess engines should not be tested with disadvantage openings...
Its time to change our views...we should forget those weak openings
Otherwise, oftenly we will see a weaker engine to take a win or to draw over stronger engine )!

And without to not mention this I can't,
Perfect 2015t book is expecting to be one of the World's strongest books (up to 8 moves) !)

I was thinking to release Perfect 2015 book as present for new year, but still is not ready...
Still I am not satisfied... I need to check and optimize some of the lines
But you will not wait long time..soon...!)

Please keep in touch my website...it will appear there )!

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 25-12-2014 21:13
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Last Update:
X3D Fritz + DFritz10.ctg

For Standings:

Just I was wondering how will do X3D Fritz in the current book competition
And after 220 games, X3D Fritz's performance is too disappointing: 119 losses; 1 draw
It looks like X3D Fritz was not so lucky under current conditions, not sure why...

For example in November 2003,
X3D Fritz engine played a four game match against World's strongest human player Garry Kasparov
And the result was equal 2–2

Well...now is time to test another strong engine: Chess Tiger 2007 + Perfect 2015t
Note that one the older versions, Chess Tiger 14 participated in Mercosur Cup Argentina 2001 and won the tournament !
For example in Mercosur Cup, Chess Tiger 14's opponents were strong human chess players at around 2500 Elo
And Chess Tiger 14 performed with clear two points ahead of the best human and reached 2788 Elo points !!
Ok...and now what about Chess Tiger 2007 in SCCT CS IV ?) Can Chess Tiger 2007 reach again at around 2800 Elo ?)
Very soon it will be clear...

Btw sometimes I am in laughing...who rates Stockfish 5, Komodo 8, Houdini 4 as 3000-3200 Elo )))
Come on chess friends, if this is true in reality...
Then Top GMs as Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand, Carlsen... should be rated approx. 2500 Elo ))

I mean in shortly that,
Not only its time to change our views regarding used openings...
Also is time to change our views with the start Elo calculations !)
Just saying and hope helps...)!

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 27-12-2014 17:46
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Chess Tiger 2007.1 + P2015t book managed to get 2823 Elo:

Note also that in my estimation,
Chess Tiger 2007.1's strength is similar as many Top GMs !)
Even I would be not much surprised, if CT2007.1 to be not stronger than many Top GMs )
Just imagine how much are stronger the current Top chess engines...

And those chess friends, who rates the current Top chess engines at around 3200 Elo,
Yes, that would be ok, if your used hardware is Pentium III )))

Otherwise, calculating the Top engines on latest fast hardwares at around 3200 Elo,
Sorry to say that but simply you are just in wrong way )!

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 13-01-2015 20:41
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Hello Chess Friends !)

I've just published my newest blitz rating list:

Note that,
I merged also the ponder on games, played in my previous 1 core blitz competitions
For examples: games from scratch; open-source ratings etc...too

Note also that,
The current competition is still active...I plan to work a little bit more over this project

BTW, here is another new tournament with rapid time control:

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 14-01-2015 14:56
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


Hello There,

I am pleased to announce,
Very soon I plan to organize a History (from the past to the present) knockout tournament !
The planning competition will be based on more than 100 chess engine participants !!

For examples,
I am considering to include Android, DOS, also Windows chess engines too
And here are some of them:
Chess Genius 7 (Windows)
Chess Free (Android)
Chess Master (Android)
Chess PRO (Android)
Chess System Tal (Windows)
Chess Titans (Windows)
GrandMaster Chess (Android)
K-Chess Elite 4 (Windows)
M Chess 8 Pro (DOS)
NOVAG Star Diamond (Dedicated chess computer)
Play Magnus (Android)
Virtual Chess II (Windows)
Wilhelm 1.50 (Windows)
And plus many other chess engines too (e.g Komodo, Stockfish, Houdini etc...)

More Details,
The engines will be played as one core + ponder on
The time control is planning to be 10 minutes (per side)

Let's see who will be the SCCT's History Champion )!

More info coming soon...

Have fun,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 18-01-2015 00:41
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

SCCT - History Knockout Tournament is over !

For Final Standings:

The Winner: Stockfish 150115 x64 - My Congratulations to Stockfish team !

Also I'f like to congratulate the rest authors of the qualified Top standings !

A few quick notes:
- Once more we noticed that Stockfish is an amazing engine, managed to won 7 players/stages !
- One of the biggest titans Komodo and Rybka could not won (eliminated both by Fire)
- Gull, Houdini, Fire ...are eliminated by Stockfish
- Chess Pro Free Android is eliminated by Gull...but it was a big fight !!
- But however, Chess Pro Free seems to be one of the strongest Android engines !
- Actually many engines were not so lucky, but it's a knockout system... )!
- Booot is one of the top rankings, because due to played mainly against weaker opponents...
- I spent many efforts for the current tour, but I had a great fun during organizing it...)!

And I am sorry that,
I could not include all available engines, but it's just mainly due to no free time for all...

See you till next event )!

Have fun,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 21-01-2015 21:06
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Last Updates:
Cheng4 0.38 x64 (+116 Elo over Cheng4 0.36 x64)
Stockfish 110115 x64 (+24 Elo over Stockfish 221214 x64)

Great improvement!! Well-done to both chess engine creators !

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

More details about the current competition:
- No double games
- No games up to 15 moves
- No games lost on time

In other words,
The rating database is quite clean... !)

But however,
I plan to publish separately the lost games on time (maybe they will be useful for the next engine releases)

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 24-01-2015 23:21
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello There,

Last Updates:
Android engines (as 1 core + ponder on) played on my Samsung Galaxy S4:
DiscoCheck 5.2.1 Droid
Gaviota 1.0 Droid
Komodo 8 Droid
Texel 1.05a8 Droid
Senpai 1.0 Droid
Stockfish 121014 Droid

For Android engine rankings:

Soon more games will be added...

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 26-01-2015 13:14
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Last Updates:
Arasan 17.5 x64 (approx. +60 Elo over v 17.2)
Texel 1.05 x64 (approx. +40 Elo over v 1.04)

Great...and well-done to both engine programmers !)

For Current Standings:

And since a few days,
I switched again to fisher time control (3min+1sec)

Note also that,
This time I decided to include all games, which were lost on time...
Because I don't want to lose the traditionality of my rules )!
And now the standings are slightly changed...
Just one example: Stockfish 210614 x64 is rated better than Stockfish 221214 x64
Normally without calculating the time losses, Stockfish 221214 x64 was approx. 10 Elo stronger...
But what a pitty this issue happened due to Stockfish 221214 x64 has many games lost on time

But however,
I think this is the right way, otherwise the programmers will never see their mistakes )!

Komodo 1318 x64 is removed from current participation, because it's a private engine...
In other words, I plan to test only the public versions in the current competition
And I already started testing Komodo 8 x64 ...

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 30-01-2015 14:19
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Last Updates:
Stockfish 6 ARM
Phalanx XXIV
Texel 1.05 ARM

SCCT has a new Leader: Stockfish 6 - My BIG Congratulations to Stockfish team !

SCCT - All Versions:http://www.sedatc...ge_id=1339

SCCT - Top 20:

Note that since today,
Android engine names are changed from Droid to ARM

A few details more about the current chess engine participants:
-CM9 Natalie 2319 = A Chessmaster 9000's personality called 'Natalie' which is rated at 2319 Elo
-Rybka 4.1 WP x64 = Rybka is played without full pawn (- 205 Elo weaker than default) !
-Houdini 2.0c Kayra2 x64 = Very strong setting by Mehmet Karaman (+ 28 Elo stronger than default) !


Yes...once more we noticed that X engine can be improved to play stronger than default )!

Let me say a few words for the below Top chess engines:
Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini, Rybka, Fruit, Shredder etc...
Do you know why the mentioned Top engines are/were as LEADERS (during 2000 - 2015)?
I think the answer of this question can be found in my saying:
-You can not be on Top by the work of others !)

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 31-01-2015 11:31
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

SCCT' Breaking News,
I started testing some android chess engines too...

So for less injustice to both chess engine teams,
I've desided to edit the real names...because the original strong ideas are not so cheap !)

And here are the newest names:
RybaLito ARM (Robbolito 0085g3=based mainly on Rybka 3's ideas)
HoudiCrit ARM (Critter 1.6a=based mainly on Houdini 1.5a's ideas)

Note also that(for the future),
X Top chess engine, which is approx. +55% similarity with similar Elo performance
That engine's name can be edited too (in case of testing under SCCT conditions)

Thanks for your understanding!

BTW once more I'd like to mention,
1)Mehmet Karaman (plus a few settings creators more) managed Houdini to play stronger
But no anyone of these seting creators released Houdini engine with different name/s

2)MindBreaker is another setting expert, who managed to make Rybka to play stronger too
And again he did not release Rybka with different name/s

3)Many chess friends (including Me) managed to create successful Chessmaster settings
Which mostly of those settings were approx. min 20-30 Elo stronger than default...
And nobody of us, released TheKing engine with different name...

Please note that too, if anyone can manage to create X engine (based on Stockfish 6)
Which will be e.g min +50 Elo stronger than Stockfish 6....
Then with a BIG pleasure I can test it too and I promise to not edit the name... )!
Because, this engine will include own new very strong ideas as well...
Because, a such data is still not available...
Because, I love the Top things, which are based on own ideas... !)

In other words,
- It is well for the heart to be naive and the mind not to be!

Best Regards,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 31-01-2015 11:43
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 01-02-2015 17:06
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

Nowadays is popular to discuss about the sizes of chess engines ))

That's why I decided,
To check some of the engines, which mostly of them already participated in SCCT

To be honest,
Size formats are not much important...
I care more about originality, stability, and + Elo performance of course )!

But however, here are the smallest ones,
Note that the list includes engines, which are less than 200 KB:

Hakkapeliitta 2.0 x64 = 26 KB = 2767 Elo
Elf 1.3 = 33 KB = ??? Elo
Counter 1.2 = 47 KB = ??? Elo
Vice 1.0 = 72 KB = ??? Elo
Mskcp 1.45 JA = 81 KB = ??? Elo
Milady 325 = 94 KB = ??? Elo
Requiem 0.53 = 96 KB = ??? Elo
Rodent 1.6 x64 = 96 KB = 2842 Elo
Uralochka 1.1b = 101 KB = 2245 Elo
Diablo 0.51 = 101 KB = ??? Elo
Anatoli 0.35k = 112 KB = 2485 Elo
Nemo 1.01b x64 = 115 KB = 2911 Elo
Sungorus 1.4 x64 = 118 KB = ??? Elo
ChessMaster 9000 = 131 KB = 2664 Elo
Atlas 3.70em = 149 KB = ??? Elo
Scorpio 2.77 x64 = 149 KB = 2863 Elo
Fizbo 1.31 x64 = 160 KB = 2863 Elo
Gull 1.2 x64 = 162 KB = 3023 Elo
Amateur 2.82 = 165 KB = 2369 Elo
DisasterArea 1.54 x64 = 176 KB = 2906 Elo
Frenzee v3.5.19 x64 = 188 KB = 2806 Elo
Adam 3.3 = 190 KB = 2256 Elo

1)Hakkapeliitta 2.0 is the smallest one - My Congratulations to Mikko Aarnos (Finland)
Really impressive...24 KB, this is a World record, if we check originality + size + Elo

2)Elf 1.3 is another very tiny one, created by Erdi Ata Bleda (Turkey)

3)Counter 1.2 is very small too, created by Vadim Chizhov (Russia)

Also I decided to check some well-known IPPO (Rybkanians) ones:
Note: Rybka 3 x64 = 2.875 KB, released date: 29.07.2008
The first Ippolit version is appeared on the scene: May 2009
For example, Ippolit 0080c is 268 KB, released date: 21.10.2009

Thinker 5.4D x64 = 78 KB = ??? Elo
Houdini 1.0 x64 = 271 KB = ??? Elo
RobboLito 009 x64 = 287 KB = ??? Elo
Strelka 5.7 x64 = 287 KB = ??? Elo
Bouquet 1.8 x64 = 447 KB = ??? Elo
Gull R600 x64 = 458 KB = ??? Elo
IvanHoe 999946h6 x64 = 492 KB = ??? Elo
Fire 3.0 x64 = 504 KB = ??? Elo
Critter 1.6a x64 = 546 KB = ??? Elo
Elektro 1.2 x64 = 576 KB = ??? Elo
Naum 4.2 x64 = 658 KB = ??? Elo
DeepSaros eXp x64 = 666 KB = ??? Elo
BlackMamba 1.4 x64 = 887 KB = ??? Elo
Equinox 3.30 x64= 3.882 KB = ??? Elo

Continuing, let me say a few words about these issues...
I am surprised that Thinker is the smallest Ippo one, just 78 KB !! very small size indeed...
And well-done to Thinker's author, this is another talent and record... !)
For example, Thinker seems to the World's strongest engine, if we check the sizes + Elo

And here is Houdini 1.5a vs Critter 1.6a comparing:
Houdini 1.5a x64 = 1.332 KB, released date: 15.10.2011
Critter 1.6a x64 = 546 KB, released date: 26.06.2012
On my Sim testings, I've noticed that both engines are very similar (+60% similarity)
And after checking the rating lists: both engines have almost same Elo performance !)
It seems the author of Critter 1.6a learned/copied a lot from Houdini 1.5a's author !!))
Houdini's author learned/copied a lot from Ippolit's author
But note also that R. Houdart managed to add many Elo points, this is really very important !
Where unfortunately Richard Vida (the author of Critter) could not....!!
Ippolit's author learned/copied from Rybka's author and etc and ets...
But however I should admit also that,
Ippolit's author managed to make his engine to be stronger than Rybka 3 too
Right now I am not sure how much Elo difference exactly...
That's why I started testing Robbolito 0.90 x64 and Rybka 3 x64
The first Ippolit ones are too buggy, that's why I preferred more stable one
And soon I plan to publish the first results....
Please note also that if Robbolito 0.90 will be over than Rybka 3 with +50 Elo
Then I will leave its name as it now (as Robbolito) and if less than 50 Elo,
Then I am afraid that it will be renamed as RybaLito ...
In my eyes, in case of close similarity plus 50 Elo to be over...
Then this engine deserve to be tested under SCCT, and to leave it as original name...

BTW, Fire 4 x64 has the biggest size: 25.257 KB
I wonder, how many engines are inside ?? ))) just joking...
Yes, the latest Fire 4 version seems to be clean, with less than 50 % similarity
Congrats to Norman Schmidt (like Gull 3), Fire 4 is another one, which is already cleaned...
And I hope to see more clean chess engines in the next new releases...
And it will be great if you will be able add some extra Elo points, lets say 50 Elo !)

Please stay tuned...more info coming soon )

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