Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 15:59
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Hello there,
I was wondering a lot about if Panda-fan-cool was played via Stokfish 060815 x64 or Sugar 5.4b x64
Right now I've started a new gauntlet test (not official), but this time Panda-fan-cool will be payed via Stokfifish 060815 x64
Note: In the official tournamrnt, Panda-fan-cool was played via Komodo 9.01 x64
Let's see what will be the engine influence over the current used book
And soon I plan to publish the test results...
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 14-08-2015 16:00 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 16:03
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Uvajaemiy Zunkor,
Eta test budet vajniy...davai posmotrim na skolka Elo Panda fan cool SF budet silnee ...
Konechno chtobiy ubeditsia nam nujen test: min 1000 partii
No vsetaki, ya dumayu chto daje esli 128 budem imet chut chut predstavlenie...
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 14-08-2015 18:13 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 20:36
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The test has been completed...
Panda fan cool SF performed 2nd (as before):
1 KingAsad Shark SF : 3530.9
2 Panda fan cool SF : 3519.8
3 MatchPoint726 MZ : 3506.0
And if we compare both players, the Elo is same...
In other words, that shows the stability of the book !
2 Panda fan cool SF : 3519.8
2 Panda-fan-cool K901 : 3519.7
And one comparing more:
Panda fan cool SF: 25 wins, 101 draws, 2 losses
Panda-fan-cool K901: 28 wins, 94 draws, 6 losses
In my opinion: this test was quite useful, at least, now we know that,
SF influence did play a negative role over the book performance!
Plus,this data confirms that Komodo and Stockfish are very close in strength !)
Btw, you can download Panda fan cool SF's games:
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 20:38
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Privet Zunkor ,
Pojaluysta, obyasnite nam,
Pochemu Stockfish rezultatav na 30 Elo ne silnee chem Komodo ?
Obratite vnimaniye, chto ya imeyu v vidu nashet Panda K901, Panda SF
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 14-08-2015 20:44 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 20:56
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EDIT: SF influence did not play a negative role over the book performance! |
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 21:47

Сообщений: 7894
Зарегистрирован: 07.10.08
Privet Sedat, вы наверное, действительно, плохо понимаете, что я пишу.
Я не писал, что ход 6. Nc3 хороший или очень хороший. Я написал что:
Возможно это не самый сильный ход, но ошибочным его назвать никак нельзя.
и самое главное, этот ход был сделан не по книге! Поэтому нельзя говорить, что эта партия была проиграна из-за плохой книги. |
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 14-08-2015 21:56

Сообщений: 7894
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Sedat Canbaz написал:
Privet Zunkor ,
Pojaluysta, obyasnite nam,
Pochemu Stockfish rezultatav na 30 Elo ne silnee chem Komodo ?
Obratite vnimaniye, chto ya imeyu v vidu nashet Panda K901, Panda SF
Вы провели слишком мало партий, чтобы делать подобные выводы.
Кроме ваших тестов, существуют другие уважаемые сайты, которые ежедневно тестируют движки.
Например посмотрите здесь: http://www.comput...rl/404FRC/ или здесь
Komodo 9 64-bit почти на 50 Elo слабее Stockfish 6 64-bit. При этом каждый движок сыграл около 2000 партий.
Возможно, Komodo 9.1 играет сильнее, чем Komodo 9, но вы использовали Komodo 9.01
Komodo 9.01 почти ничем не отличается от Komodo 9, а Stockfish 6 немного слабее последних улучшеных версий Stockfish.
Изменил(а) Zunkor, 14-08-2015 22:14 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 15-08-2015 00:36
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| moi vzgliad,
Ya viju slabie vhodiy kak oshibki knigi...izvinite
Viy postianno pishite chto iz-za oshibki dvijki i t.d (nashet pozitsiyu v kartinke)
A esli tak... kak viy schitaete,
Zenix39 SF polzval vhodi ot pomoshi knige...(v to vremia kogda Komodo k901 igral slabie vhodiy)
Eta chto oznachaet opiat ?)
Razve viy ne vidite, chto Zenix imel bolshoe preumeshestvo...polzvala kniga !!
Ya sovetuyu vam, povtorite tot je samuyu pozitsiyu (bez knige...tochno posle 6.Nc6) to togda SF budet viybirat voobshe druigie vhodiy...
Ya imeyu vidu eshe...
Esli biy Zenix polzval slabaia 14. f6 biy ne soigral...!
Karoche, eshe raz miy zametili chto zdes kniga soigrla bolshoia rolia !!
Da...Komodo K901 polzval korotkaia kniga v glubine...znachit zdes otvetsvenoi ne avtor dvijka, a avtor knige...!)
A kstati,
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Primerno v CCRL (40/40), Komodo 9.1 viyshe chem SF 6
A potom nashet JCER ratings,
Tam Stockfish 15070415 soigral tolka 82 partii...razve eta dostatachnaia data ?
SCCT Rating (3m+2s) imeet 800 partii na dvijok...
A potom sevodnishniy test: 128 partii, toje daet nam chut chut poniatie i predstavlenie
Chto zdes ne dvijok..a kniga igraet samaia samaia samaia bolshaia rolia !!
Vot vse to chto huchu skazat na etu temu
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 15-08-2015 00:46 |
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 15-08-2015 01:51

Сообщений: 7894
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Sedat Canbaz написал:
Ya imeyu vidu eshe...
Esli biy Zenix polzval slabaia 14. f6 biy ne soigral...!
Вы меня невнимательно читаете, я раньше писал:
Чёрные выиграли не из-за 14... f6., а из-за ошибки движка белых на 16 ходу 16. Re1? После этого хода позиция становится плохой. Движок SF ожидал правильный ход 16. ... (h4), но k901 сделал ошибку сыграв 16. Re1?. Из-за этого чёрные выиграли, игра там шла не по книге у белых и у черных.
Sedat Canbaz написал:
A kstati,
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!!
Чем FRC Elo ratings хуже SCCT Elo ratings? Я смотрю все Elo ratings и делаю выводы о силе движка.
v CCRL (40/40), Komodo 9.1 viyshe chem SF 6, возможно потому, что там более новая версия Komodo 9.1. Вы тестировали немного старую версию Komodo 9.01, эта версия, как и Komodo 9.00 играет слабее.
Изменил(а) Zunkor, 15-08-2015 01:56 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 15-08-2015 02:28
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Oh...viy menia ne poimaete...ya ne skazal huje, ya skazal :
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Vse taki na Angliiski nachnu...nadeyus etat raz poimete )
I said before:
We don't discuss about FRC Ratings...we disscus about SCCT Ratings
I hope now you understand me...
I dont care much about other ratings about the current issue,
Because my used SCCT conditions are different than others
I mean,
I use different engine versions, diffrent hardwares, different books, ponder on, different time control etc..
Thats why...we should consantrate over SCCT ratings...instead of other...
Do you have any data (games) about how much Komodo 9.1 is stronger than Komodo 9.01 ?
And last,
Almost all engines (without books) play not so strong openings...
I strongly believe in that, the opening book is the key for Chess !
And once more I'd like to point out,
The books played the most important role in the latest SCCT Book Tournament !
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 15-08-2015 02:45 |
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 15-08-2015 23:40

Сообщений: 7894
Зарегистрирован: 07.10.08
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Oh...viy menia ne poimaete...ya ne skazal huje, ya skazal :
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Vse taki na Angliiski nachnu...nadeyus etat raz poimete )
По английски я понимаю гораздо хуже, чем вы по русски! 
Боюсь, что мы ещё больше запутаемся. Не буду больше отвлекать вас от работы, все что хотел, я уже написал.
Zunkor |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 16-08-2015 14:27
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Zunkor написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Oh...viy menia ne poimaete...ya ne skazal huje, ya skazal :
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Vse taki na Angliiski nachnu...nadeyus etat raz poimete )
По английски я понимаю гораздо хуже, чем вы по русски! 
Боюсь, что мы ещё больше запутаемся. Не буду больше отвлекать вас от работы, все что хотел, я уже написал.
Spasiba...vam toje udachi ! |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 16-08-2015 14:29
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
- Very soon I plan to organize a new knockout engine competition !
And probably,
WSET 2015 will be one of the World's strongest engine tournaments that ever seen in the history !
And here are more details about WSET 2015:
Tournament Conditions:
Intel Core i7 980X 3.30 GHz / Intel Core i7-970 3.20 GHz
Operating System: Windows 64-bit, Hyper-Threading OFF
Tournament Type: Knockout, Hash: 2048 MB, Cores: 6, Ponder OFF
Tablebaces OFF, Opening Book: Perfect 2015x
Time Control: 90 Minutes + 30 Seconds (1st rounds)
Time Control: 150 Minutes + 30 Seconds (Octa)
Time Control: 300 Minutes + 30 Seconds (Semi-final)
Time Control: 600 Minutes + 30 Seconds (Final)
WSET will be played under Fritz 12 / Arena 3.0 GUIs
There will be no LIVE broadcasting (on same tournament PC)
*Due to LIVE tools damage the speed and the performance..
The Participants (40 Chess Engines):
Alfil 15.7 MP x64
Andscacs 0.81 MP x64
Arasan 18 MP x64
Bobcat v6.4b MP x64
BugChess2 V19 MP x64
Cheng 4.39 MP x64
Chiron 2 MP x64
Crafty 24.1 MP x64
EXchess v7.71b MP x64
Fire 4 MP x64
Fritz 10.1 MP
Gaviota 1.0 MP x64
Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64
Gull 3 MP x64
Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Hannibal 1.5 MP x64
Hiarcs 14 WCSC MP
Houdini 4 MP x64
Jonny 4.00 MP
Junior 13.3 MP x64
Komodo 9.1 MP x64
MinkoChess 1.3 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64
Pedone 1.2 MP x64
Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
Rybka 4.1 MP x64
Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
Senpai 1.0 MP x64
Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Spike 1.4 MP
Spark 1.0 MP x64
Shredder 12 MP x64
SugaR 5.4b MP x64
Stockfish 060815 MP x64
Synapse RZ3 MP x64
Texel 1.05 MP x64
The Baron 3.29 MP x64
The King 3.50 MP x64
Tornado 5 MP x64
Zappa Mexico II MP x64
More info coming soon! Please stay tuned...
Or please feel free to Contact Me:

Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 16-08-2015 22:24
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Well, I started to receive registrations (especially SF derivatives) for upcoming WSET
To be honest,
I don't want to not make any double standard to anyone..
And due to no much free time to include all derivatives
There will be a new rule:
Round-Robin (4 rounds) by derivative engines
Time control is planning to be 3min+2sec
The winner will be qualified to play in WSET 2015
Some of the participants, which will be in the qualification league:
Al Qahtani 160815 MP x64
DON 220615 MP x64
KingAsad D100815 MP x64
Shark 150715 MP x64
SF Serpent MP x64
Sting SF 5 MP x64
StockfishTS 050815 MP x64
SugaR PrO 1.0 MP x64
Synapse RZ3 MP x64
About some Ippo derivatives,
The strongest IPPO engine is Houdini 4 (it is not required to be run another qualification test...)
Note also that I plan to include only one derivative per based engine
Good luck to all...
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 17-08-2015 17:37
Мастер ФИДЕ

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Last Updates:
Arminius 060815 MP x64
Atlas 3.80 x64
Bison 9.11 x64
Booot 5.2.0 x64
Chess Tiger 2007.1
Deuterium 14.3 x64
Dirty 10APR2015 x64
DisasterArea 1.54 x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64
Fizbo 1.5 MP x64
Frenzee 3.5.19 x64
Godel 3.49 x64
iCE 2.0 v2240 x64
Ktulu 9
Nemo 1.01b x64
Octochess r5190 MP x64
Redqueen 1.1.97 MP x64
Rhetoric 1.4.1 x64
Rodent 1.7 x64
ProDeo 1.87
Quazar 0.4 x64
Rodent 1.7 x64
Shark 150815 MP x64
SmarThink 1.70 x64
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64
Toga II 280513 MP x64
Vajolet2 2.0 x64
More Details:
• I am very pleased to announce that the current numbers of WSET's participants: 64
• Due to many engine participants: I plan to set 60 Min + 15 Sec (for the 1st rounds)
* But however, the time controls will be same as before for Octa, Semi-final, Final
• For maximum engine performance: all MP participants will be played with 6 cores
• Shark 150815 MP x64 (based on SF) is the qualified participant for upcoming WSET
• Toga II 280513 MP x64 (based on Fruit) is another qualified participant too...
• Probably in a few hours one of my grandest engine tours: WSET will be started!
Also you can download/view the qualification games/standings:
Note: SF qualifications are played: 3m+2s, 6 cores, Ponder OFF
WSET – Knockout Tournament 2015 (official site):
Good Luck to All Participants!!
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 18-08-2015 12:28
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Hello again )
WSET is already started on Monday 17 Aug 2015, at around 19.00 PM Antalya Time
And very soon I plan to publish the 1st played games
Note that Dirty 10APR2015 is out, due to bugs
So Pharaon 3.5.1 MP will be as participant...
I am getting very excited about what will be the results, which are more near in strength !)
For example, here are some of them:
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 vs Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
ProDeo 1.87 vs Godel 3.4.9 x64
Atlas 3.80 x64 vs The King 3.50 MP x64
Crafty 24.1 MP x64 vs Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64 vs Hiarcs 14 MP
Pedone 1.2 MP x64 vs Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64 vs Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
Spike 1.4 MP vs Cheng 4.39 MP x64
And here are the full WSET's knockout pairings of the first round
Note: The players are added into the tour in alphabetical order
Alfil 15.07 MP x64 vs Zappa Mexico II MP x64
Komodo 9.01 MP x64 vs Junior 13.3 MP x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 vs Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
Senpai 1.0 MP x64 vs DisasterArea 1.54 x64
BugChess2 V19 MP x64 Stockfish 170815 MP x64
ProDeo 1.87 vs Godel 3.4.9 x64
Gull 3 MP x64 vs Pharaon 3.5.1 MP
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 vs Booot 5.2.0 x64
Atlas 3.80 x64 vs The King 3.50 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64 vs Hiarcs 14 MP
Frenzee v3.5.19 x64 vs RedQueen 1.1.97 MP x64
SmarThink 1.70 x64 vs Chiron 2 MP x64
Crafty 24.1 MP x64 vs Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Rhetoric 1.4 x64 vs Fizbo 1.5 MP x64
Houdini 4 MP x64 vs Nemo 1.0.1b x64
Toga II 280513 MP x64 vs Arminius 060815 MP x64
Arasan 18.0 MP x64 Tornado 5.0 MP x64
MinkoChess 1.3 x64 vs iCE 2.0 v2240 x64
Fire 4 MP x64 Rodent 1.7 x64
Shredder 12 MP x64 vs Fritz 10.1 MP
Chess Tiger 2007.1 vs Spark 1.0 MP x64
Quazar 0.4 x64 vs Gaviota 1.0 MP x64
Hannibal 1.5 MP x64 vs Octochess 5190 MP x64
The Baron 3.29 MP x64 vs Bison 9.11 x64
Bobcat 6.4b MP x64 vs Texel 1.05 MP x64
Pedone 1.2 MP x64 vs Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64 vs Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
Spike 1.4 MP vs Cheng 4.39 MP x64
Deuterium v14.3 vs Shark150815 MP x64
Rybka 4.1 MP x64 vs EXchess v7.71b MP x64
Jonny 4.00 MP x64 vs Ktulu 9
Vajolet2 2.0 x64 vs Andscacs 0.82 MP x64
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 18-08-2015 17:59
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
WSET's Match System for Octa-Final, Semi-Final, Final Round/s:
The knockout rounds will consist of 1 game (per match), but in case of draw game:
A match of 1 game will be played (with same slow time control and reversed colors)
If the 2nd game will be ended draw, a match of 4 games will be played with 15 Min + 10 Sec
In case of the result is still drawn, a match of 2 games will be played with 3 Min + 2 Sec
So whoever performs with more points (in the Final), will be crowned as WSET Champion of 2015!
Note also that the reigning WSET Champion 2014 is Stockfish, for more details:
One thing more,
I see WSET Championship 2015 to be similar as World Boxing Council (WBC)
With Knockout, if you make a single mistake, that's it; game is over !)
Have fun,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 18-08-2015 18:19 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 19-08-2015 18:14
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
WSET 2015 - first round has n completed, games:
Just 'd like to point out regarding WSET's match system for the first rounds;
The 1st rounds will consist of 1 game (per match), but in case of draw game:
A match of 1 game will be played more (with same slow time control)
If the 2nd game will be ended as draw, a match of 4 games will be played with 3 Min + 2 Sec
In case of the result is still drawn, a match of 2 games will be played with 3 Min + 2 Sec etc...
So whoever performs with more points, will be qualified into the next round (level)
More Details,
So far, there are 10 games, which are ended as draw, that means 31 %
Atlas 3.80 x64 1 core vs The King 3.50 x64 6 cores (1-0)
SmarThink 1.70 x64 1 core vs Chiron 2 x64 6 cores (draw)
Quazar 0.4 x64 1 core vs Gaviota 1.0 x64 6 cores (1-0)
Jonny 4.00 x64 6 cores vs Ktulu 9 1 core (draw)
*Sometimes, more cores do not mean stronger... !)
Surprisingly, Arasan 18 x64 6 cores vs Tornado 5 x64 6 cores (0-1)
As I expected, Ginkgo 1.0e x64 6 cores vs Protector 1.8.0 x64 6 cores (draw)
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 19-08-2015 19:10 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 19-08-2015 19:34
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And here are the full 1st round knockout results (generated by Scid 4.3):
Antalya/Turkey, 2015.08.17 - 2015.08.19
Alfil 15.07 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Zappa Mexico II MP x64
Komodo 9.01 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Junior 13.3 MP x64
Senpai 1.0 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 DisasterArea 1.54 x64
Stockfish 170815 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 BugChess2 V19 MP x64
Godel 3.4.9 x64 1 1.0 / 1 ProDeo 1.87
Gull 3 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Pharaon 3.5.1 MP
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Booot 5.2.0 x64
Atlas 3.80 x64 1 1.0 / 1 The King 3.50 MP x64
Fizbo 1.5 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Rhetoric 1.4 x64
Houdini 4 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Nemo 1.0.1b x64
Toga II 280513 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Arminius 060815 MP x64
Tornado 5.0 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Arasan 18.0 MP x64
MinkoChess 1.3 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 iCE 2.0 v2240 x64
Fire 4 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Rodent 1.7 x64
Spark 1.0 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Chess Tiger 2007.1
Quazar 0.4 x64 1 1.0 / 1 Gaviota 1.0 MP x64
Hannibal 1.5 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Octochess 5190 MP x64
The Baron 3.29 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Bison 9.11 x64
Spike 1.4 MP 1 1.0 / 1 Cheng 4.39 MP x64
Shark 150815 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Deuterium 14.3 x64
Rybka 4.1 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 EXchess v7.71b MP x64
Andscacs 0.82 MP x64 1 1.0 / 1 Vajolet2 2.0 x64
Frenzee v3.5.19 x64 = 0.5 / 1 RedQueen 1.1.97 MP x64
Shredder 12 MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Fritz 10.1 MP
SmarThink 1.70 x64 = 0.5 / 1 Chiron 2 MP x64
Crafty 24.1 MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Bobcat 6.4b MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Texel 1.05 MP x64
Pedone 1.2 MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 = 0.5 / 1 Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Hiarcs 14 MP
Jonny 4.00 MP x64 = 0.5 / 1 Ktulu 9
32 games: +15 =10 -7
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 19-08-2015 19:45 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 21-08-2015 13:39
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Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Round 1.1 (Qualification matches; which are ended as draw in 1st round)
RedQueen 1.1.97 MP x64 eliminates Frenzee v3.5.19 x64
Shredder 12 MP x64 eliminates Fritz 10.1 MP
Chiron 2 MP x64 eliminates SmarThink 1.70 x64
Sjeng WC2008 MP x64 eliminates Crafty 24.1 MP x64
Texel 1.05 MP x64 eliminates Bobcat 6.4b MP x64
Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64 eliminates Pedone 1.2 MP x64
Protector 1.8.0 MP x64 eliminates Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 eliminates Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64 eliminates Hiarcs 14 MP
Jonny 4.00 MP x64 eliminates Ktulu 9
A few notes about the round 1.1,
Here my credits are going especially for Hakkapeliitta's author
It is not so easy as it looks to win with 1 core over 6 cores
Actually this is known issue, e.g many mp engines suffer with more cores
*Especially with 12 cores and above...
However...I hope to see all engines as MP, but with a good scaling !)
Because usually more cores + slower time controls perform better...!
Round 2
Senpai 1.0 MP x64 eliminates DiscoCheck 5.2 x64
Tornado 5.0 MP x64 eliminates MinkoChess 1.3 MP x64
Houdini 4 MP x64 eliminates Toga II 280513 MP x64
Hannibal 1.5 MP x64 eliminates The Baron 3.29 MP x64
Texel 1.05 MP x64 eliminates Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 eliminates Gull 3 MP x64
Spike 1.4 MP eliminates Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
Spark 1.0 MP x64 eliminates Quazar 0.4 x64
Fire 4 MP x64 eliminates Shredder 12 MP x64
Shark 150815 MP x64 eliminates Rybka 4.1 MP x64
Atlas 3.80 x64 eliminates Nirvana 2.1c MP x64
Komodo 9.1 MP x64 eliminates Alfil 15.07 MP x64
Stockfish 170815 MP x64 eliminates Godel 3.4.9 x64
Fizbo 1.5 MP x64 eliminates Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Chiron 2 MP x64 eliminates RedQueen 1.1.97 MP x64
Andscacs 0.82 MP x64 eliminates Jonny 4.00 MP x64
More details about round 2,
Again...Atlas 3.80 x64 1 core (even as Blacks) defeated Nirvana 2.1c x64 6 cores
Special congratulations to Atlas's author...impressive..!!
Not bad performance by Tornado 5 MP x64 so far...
*Very sad that Engin Ustun canceled working over Tornado's project
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 seems to be a serious candidate to be as champion
Surprisingly, Protector 1.8.0 MP x64 lost (against Spike 1.4 MP)...I expected just opposite
No surprise that Rybka 4.1 MP x64 was eliminated by Shark 150815 MP x64
Note that Shark 150815 is highly based on latest releases of Stockfish congratulations to all qualified participants !
But however, Win or Lose:
It's not so important, it's how many people remember you efforts for chess !
Download all WSET 2015 games, which are played so far:
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 21-08-2015 13:40 |