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Прислано Sedat Canbaz 20-08-2012 13:58

Dear Friends,

SCCT Rating List - All Versions:

SCCT Rating List - Top 20:

Some Notes:
-New games have been played mainly by Stockfish VE09 x64 6c
-Houdini 2.0t3* Pro x64 6c = played with Perfect 2012c book
-The next engine,which is planning to be tested is Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c NON-SSE
*Let's see what will be the influence/strength difference between both Rybka default versions (SSE and Non-SSE)
-After Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c NON-SSE test,the current SCCT Rating List's activity will be paused
*The current engine competition is expecting to be resumed after SCCT Super Book League III

Kind Regards,