Тема: Шахматы: шахматы для компьютера скачать бесплатно, шахматы онлайн играть с компьютером. Новости шахмат. Статьи о шахматах. :: Komodo

Прислано Zunkor 28-12-2013 15:19

Makar1978 написал:
так зачем тогда нужны параметры у движков если все по умочанию в стандарт разработчики не просто так придумали эти параметры ?

Вот, что пишут разработчики.

Komodo is a chess engine and not a chess GUI and thus requires the use
of a third party Graphical User Interface as most modern chess engines
do. The Komodo web site suggests a few GUI's which are available,
some of them open source and of very high quality.

Komodo, like all chess programs, has user options that will be
explained here. These can be set or changed from the Graphical
Interface and we will focus on the non-standard ones.

table memory
This parameter determines how much memory in megabytes Komodo will
allocate to various internal tables such as the pawn structure hash
table, evaluation cache and others. If you allocate too much it can
negatively impact your performance and if you allocate too little it
can also negatively impact your performance. The default value of 64
is probably close to optimal on most modern machines cira 2013 but you
may want to experiment with lowering (or raising) this value if you
have an entry level machine or a particularly a very high performance

Use Lmr
LMR is a search technique that is designed to aggressively prune moves
from the search tree so much deeper depths can be obtained. However
this can sometimes miss important moves. Komodo gives you the option
to turn this on or off. In general Komodo will play much stronger
with this option turned on, but one might want to experiment with
turning it off in order to see if a much shallower, but more thorough
search might help in some position.

Null Move pruning
Like LMR, this is also a technique to aggressively prune moves from
the search tree. Komodo plays much stronger with this turned ON, but
occasionally things can be missed, especially very deep threats or
zugzwang positions. This option allows you to experiment in the case
that you have a difficult position which cannot be resolved and want to
see if a much shallower, but more thorough, search would help.

Move overhead milliseconds
This is designed to compensate for slow user interfaces, where a
fraction of a second can be lost in the processing and transferring of
information back and forth from the engine to the interface. This
should probably be left alone unless you see the program starting to
forfeit games due to exhausting its time.

In some programs this is called the "contempt factor" and defines the
value of a draw. The default is -5 which means that the program will
have a slight tendency to avoid a draw, even if its position is slightly
worse. A value of -100 would cause Komodo to avoid a draw unless it was
at least a pawn down. A value of 100 would cause Komodo to seek draws
unless it was at least a pawn ahead.

time usage aggressiveness
This provides the ability to manipulate Komodo's time control
heuristics, to make it allocation either more aggressively or less
aggressively. The default is 0 which is what we believe is the ideal
setting but remains to be tested. You can make it play faster by
using a negative number or you can make it allocate time more
aggressively by setting it to a positive value. The range of values
is between -9 and +9. It's very unlikely extreme values will be play
well, so we suggest experimenting with relatively modest changes to
the default.

The default number of threads is 1 so for multi-core machines you will
want to change this value. For ultimate performance we suggest
setting this to the number of "real" cores on your machine.

For example on an i7 with hyper-threading, you typically have 4 "real"
cores and 4 hyper-threaded or virtual cores. The operating system will
probably report 8 cores but we recommend setting Komodo for 4 threads
in this case.

This defines the maximum amount of memory to use for the transposition
table - a major factor in the performance of modern chess programs.
The default is set to 128 which is probably more than adequate for
standard use. However, see the document setHASH.txt for more specific
information on how this should be set for ultimate performance.

The King Table Multiplier (ktabm)

parameters are what we believe to be best for bullet chess, but it is possible that other values might work better in longer games.

Komodo TCECr has two bugfixes over Komodo TCEC. For most users there
will be no difference. One is a bug fix for GUIs which use fens followed
by a castling move such as Little Blitzer. Komodo would sometimes crash
if the first move out of book was castling by the opponent, or fail to
castle itself if it was first out of book when castling would be legal
and good. The other is that in console mode Komodo would fail to shut
down properly when exiting by the window's X. Both are fixed now.